ForeverRio 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 09-28-05, id: 904976
Author has written 3 stories | Lord of the Rings, and Pokémon.
β : ForeverRio is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
I write copy for my school's yearbook and edit for friends. You can throw pretty much anything at me, I've trudged through some damn horrible writing and managed to make it readable. Usually after talking to the author and asking stuff like "WHAT was this word supposed to be again?" and "Okay wait, you mean-, right? Not -?" I'm used to making sense out of nonsense (usually because my own spelling was horrid when I started writing and I had to learn to decipher my own stuff before I discovered the value of spellcheck.)br /br /br /

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Usually I edit stuff, and if I hit a snag on the plot-line or something I can't get my head around I hit the author up to see what they want to do about it. It's their story after all.

My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
Plot, how the story flows, if this makes sense, switching sentences around to improve them, generally being a pain in the authors ass until I feel the story makes total sense while still telling the story the author wanted to tell, etc. I like to bounce ideas off of people to, thats fun.
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
Just FYI, my own spelling and grammar is not the best, and knowing that makes me an insane editor. I check and double check everything, and use whatever is available to me to see if a word is correct. I have several spellchecks and dictionaries, and if all else fails, grammar-nazi friends. In absolute emergencies, they can be unleashed on anything. Not to mention Word Office, which points out everything wrong with great glee. The only reason it still lives on my computer is because I need it.
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
Throw anything at me, I'm pretty open for beta stuff.
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
I hate editing sex. So. Fricken. Boring. Not that I won't do it-but I won't take stories that include nothing but sex. (Haha, butt sex.)
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
All Anime/Manga
All Books
All Cartoons
All Movies
All TV Shows
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for