Reviews for Always Been You
spacekitten2700 chapter 1 . 9/27/2015
A for Antechinus chapter 1 . 1/5/2015
Oh wow,
That was so totally hot. I really enjoyed it.
Thanks for writing this fic.
Magalegal chapter 1 . 2/12/2014
Loved it! Nice story!
Talldi chapter 1 . 1/15/2014
I need a cold cold shower! Great Story! di
stareagle chapter 1 . 1/15/2014
I want a present like Mark Harmon!
AbbyGibbs chapter 1 . 1/14/2014
I really loved every word of this, thanks for the share.
The Gabby Effect chapter 1 . 1/10/2014
Nicely done gosgirl your the best!
Snowbound'Winter'Nights chapter 1 . 1/10/2014
Abby's candid and sheer mischief, mixed with Gibbs' fierce jealousy and endless love... with snow, in the truck ?! Resistance Is Futile. I surrender (once again), Gosgirl. Your fluid and addictive writing overcomes me.
Thanks a lot, and have a splendid New Year, Gosgirl. Take care. Always.
Kesterpan chapter 1 . 1/9/2014
Tremendous opening scene... I could visualize it all so clearly. That's one thing I love about your writing - you can create a picture without making it obvious that you're doing so.

John Wayne meets Mike Franks - love it! Lovely, deft way of weaving the back story into the setting too. And then a wonderful slow build to the mutual confession - happened so naturally. I enjoyed the reciprocal jealousy... and the fact that they were both so much on the same page with the kids.

And then of course that entire end scene - wow. *fans self*
Ziver69 chapter 1 . 1/9/2014
I love the word "smooshed" it even more when it involves Abby smooshed against Gibbs! John Wayne meets Mike Franks...LOVE IT (and a little hubba hubba there as well, at least the voices)
This was just terrific. Love that you gave a story leading into how Gibbs started making toys for the kids. The scene in his truck outside the hospital afterwards was amazing, so clearly able to picture it in my head because of your great writing. And the scene back at Abby's, with the bells "not" on her boots and all the rest...AWESOME!
breathegsr chapter 1 . 1/8/2014
A wonderful story from a wonderful writer. I loved the interaction and playfulness between them. Very descriptive, pulled me right into the story. I could just see Gibbs reaching for his gun.
WithTheGrain chapter 1 . 1/8/2014
Wonderful beginning to this story with the snow and describing the effects of Abby’s outfit and it’s so perfect for Gibbs to offer to help Abby with the gifts so he wouldn’t worry about her. I loved their banter and flirting when they packed the gifts into his truck. And then your descriptions of Abby sitting smooshed beside him are yummy. You’re always amazing at writing terrific dialogue between these two. Really lovely, heartwarming scenes at the hospital but then JealousGibbs! You conveyed that wonderfully. And finally he admits his feelings in very subtle way. This… "Yeah, but the paperwork'd be a bitch." (LOL) Loved this entire exchange between them and then their first kiss, OMG! Holy Buckets!

Gibbs reaction to when she took her boots off but still tinkled, was priceless! What a fabulous idea! I love the way the sexual tension grew between them throughout this entire story. And then at the end when it was finally resolved… I needed to dive into a snowbank! Their coming together was so intense and so quick that I can imagine it was a bit overwhelming for Abby to actually have him there in her bed. This was one helluva delicious story!
Theresa F chapter 1 . 1/8/2014
Cute, sweet and sensual GAbby Christmas... Love it!

It's good to see some of my favorite GAbby shippers doing some more writing. For those of you that have not seen up to date episodes in season 11, there is some good GAbby fodder to feed the imagination, just like LAbby-GAbby scene in episode 12 after Hollies Mann shows up.
fart fart chapter 1 . 1/7/2014
Great story.
Gibbsredhoodie chapter 1 . 1/7/2014
Love the idea of Gibbs taking Abby to give out the presents, he wouldn't want her to take any chances in the bad weather. And OMG the thoughts and teasing along the way to the hospital, you're always so good at building the sexual tension...and Abby's lack of clothing may have helped there too!

You kept that tension hanging over them all the way through, and god it was good LOL not to mention jealous Gibbs *flails* And the ending...*speechless* they definitely let go. And I would say Abby was right with the best Christmas present ever...a wonderful build up before they finally gave in, very erotic and damn hot.
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