Reviews for You Said Who's Here Now?
FreakyLeo88 chapter 3 . 1/12/2014
I caught the Doctor Who reference! *squeal* Ah... 10 and Donna...
And that's one impressive security system. I have to say...
Come on... Rodney is old. And probably (most definitively) so not interested in celebrities and their insane fans and security systems. Even if they were kidnapped and ended on Atlantis.

katmom chapter 1 . 1/8/2014
Dang it...posted on the WRONG account!

Sorry, Packrat!

Still meant it. I did laugh

packrat17 chapter 1 . 1/8/2014
Well done!

Okay, I laughed...

FreakyLeo88 chapter 1 . 1/8/2014
A third instalment! YAY! Though I still know the exact same thing about Hannah Montana. ;)
Go Government! Ignore teenagers that know something. Typical.
I'm curious to how the Wraith got to earth. And if there are more than one.

Waiting for the next update

I'm going to re-read the previous two stories just because I can. D