Reviews for A Star Removed from the Sky
ailymirairekishi chapter 1 . 8/12
I already finished your story! And it's really good!
Lindeee chapter 16 . 4/14
I kind of had a feeling after the pill incident, but how does Regan being the dark mage work?

His body was said to be extremely weak due to the curse and yet he could use spacial magic for a “bigger on the inside” and also transport their guild membersguildhall?
Lindeee chapter 7 . 4/14
Not sure if you meant it like this, but from chapter 3 (or so) till now I feel like i’ve been reading only fillers.

A tip for next time: compress it together or spread it out between the action more. I personally felt like scanning over the text to see if there was some action instead of fully reading it, which is a shame because I like your writing style.

I’d also advice not to add so many OC’s in a Fairy Tail fanfic since most people come here to read about the fairy tail characters and are instead reading chapters about strangers. However the OC one might just be me.
Lindeee chapter 3 . 4/12
Wait, did Yukino and Lucy foget that even new friends will forget them? Because I clearly remember that being stated in an earlier chapter.

Or do they just not care about the pain that will cause?
Dark Shining Light chapter 19 . 1/9
I loved this story! Thank you so much for writing it! It was amazing!
Dark Shining Light chapter 17 . 1/9
This was such an emotional chapter! You made my eyes teary. But it was so good!
Dark Shining Light chapter 16 . 1/9
This was such an amazing chapter! There was a lot going on and I think you did a wonderful job with the pacing and description. Great job!
ABT4Life chapter 1 . 12/25/2019
Wow. First time reading this and I’m.l blown away. The premise is so good and angsty. Love it. I can’t wait to see how everything turns out and to see where the plot goes.

I appreciate your writing and the originality of this.
Perfect Memories chapter 19 . 12/13/2019
I genuinely loved reading this and I enjoyed having your OC's part of it. You made them fit in smoothly. Every time I read Antonio I had (and pictured) Prince Soma from Black Butler voice in my head. LOL! For some reason they sounded similar to me.
Guest chapter 19 . 11/28/2019
This was wonderful
CuteBubbles chapter 19 . 11/29/2019
Oh my gosh I absolutely ADORE your story! I love it so much! Thank you for completing it and doing justice to the plot and characters. I’m so happy that Natsu and Lucy are back together- I wish there were more moments of them together after she came back! I love how Natsu never gave up on her and pulled her back. Also glad that they didn’t stick to rule 3 because that would’ve done more damage than good. Natsu and Lucy really are meant for each other. There is no one else that could produce such magic as when those two are together. This fic was a great homage to that. Also I liked how you portrayed Natsu and I do think that his insecurity about Lucy not feeling the same way is why he doesn’t say his obviously deep feelings for her.
Ushindeshi chapter 19 . 11/27/2019
I love the epilogue, it was so beautiful.
FireShifter chapter 19 . 11/27/2019
The ending was fantastic! I LOVED it! Awesome story! :-D
ailymirairekishi chapter 19 . 11/27/2019
Thank you for writting the epilogue! This is really a great story! :)))
Delirium0629 chapter 18 . 11/26/2019
Yes epilogue please! I loved the ending it was so cute.
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