Reviews for A Christmas Cori: Overcoming Death
Diso chapter 10 . 12/17/2016
You should totally do another few chapters, or maybe a later marriage and kids story.
Lolohonghrmi1 chapter 10 . 7/19/2016
OMG! So sad. Why didn't you put sex in it?
Guest chapter 10 . 2/20/2015
Thanks for the update! It was great and i cant wait for those one-shots you mentioned ;)
Day6 chapter 10 . 2/16/2015
LordryuTJ chapter 2 . 8/23/2014
Oh my god, this is dark.
Sharon1234 chapter 9 . 7/21/2014
Wow. Didn't see that coming. I know that Cat's dad felt sorry, but I didn't know he'll commit suicide. I wonder how Cat feels about this. Please continue.
redeclipse516 chapter 9 . 7/20/2014
I really enjoyed the chapter and am happy your back :)
Sharon1234 chapter 8 . 7/7/2014
This story is really good! There aren't a lot of Cori fanfics, so I like it! If you're still updating, please do.
Guest chapter 8 . 7/1/2014
plz update
Wolvenpath chapter 8 . 6/16/2014
*follows story* please please put up the next part :) I have just found this story and spend my last hour reading it! I love who you make the change from bubbly cat to sad cat and show the everyone is effected in their own way and the dad.. omg like wtf! He is crazy
XAngelShi chapter 8 . 6/13/2014
Cheers! For this story made a new point of view where it things become indescribably great!
Guest chapter 8 . 5/24/2014
TheRealDr.FunTimes chapter 8 . 5/24/2014
Great story love it and school is hard so I'll be patient and wait for you to upload the next chapters keep up the fantastic work
Hi chapter 7 . 5/17/2014
Great story. Hope for a sequel.
Guest chapter 8 . 5/11/2014
Great tension in this chapter, loved it.
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