Reviews for Tiny Tim in Trouble
Suzy Q1068 chapter 10 . 10/13/2019
Where are you? There are so many of us who would like to see this AU story of the Family Gibbs to its conclusion. How is the museum trip going to end? Isn't Tony going to do something reckless and Tony-like? Just so he'll be recognizable? Puberty is hitting Tim hard and maybe accounting for his emotional behavior. Maybe he will have a respite for a while. This is a captivating story but it's dangling there, leaving us wanting more. Please, please, finish it for us.
MaidenMoonshine chapter 10 . 9/4/2019
Please continue! This is such a great story!
wandamarie chapter 10 . 2/14/2019
thanks for the chapter and story
wandamarie chapter 9 . 2/14/2019
thanks again for your time and talents and sharing them with all of us
wandamarie chapter 8 . 2/14/2019
wandamarie chapter 7 . 2/14/2019
oh my getting good
wandamarie chapter 6 . 2/14/2019
they both should be punched for it thanks for the chapter and story so far
wandamarie chapter 5 . 2/14/2019
thanks for the chapter and story so far
wandamarie chapter 4 . 2/14/2019
wandamarie chapter 2 . 2/14/2019
thanks for the chapter and Tim did earned the spanking
wandamarie chapter 3 . 2/14/2019
thanks for the chapter
wandamarie chapter 1 . 2/13/2019
thanks for the chapter and story so far
Suzy Q chapter 10 . 8/16/2018
Although I didn't think that the character of Gibbs or Tim really seemed true to their onscreen personas, it was an interesting situation you created. Gibbs is the single father of two young teens, Tony and Tim with a lot of sibling rivalry between them. I would love to see this domestic alternative universe story completed. I'd like to know how Tim made out at the museum. And, Tony while not exactly well behaved, hasn't gotten into any real trouble with his Dad. In any universe, at any age, we know that Tony is a naughty boy and has to get into some trouble or he just isn't the Tony we all know and love. Hope you will finish this story.
their baby sister chapter 10 . 6/2/2016
I love the team as Gibbs' children. Any new chapters coming soon?
Dixie Dewdrop's Graceland chapter 3 . 11/25/2015
Poor Tim doesn't seem to realize when to quit.
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