Reviews for Trust
Guest chapter 8 . 5/2
it's been a couple years since you've written this story, but i hope you know that this was amazing! i love the story-telling and how you connect the narrative. it feels like an episode, i could picture how you set things up. i love the overall arc and the emotions tied to each character. i especially enjoyed reading ben and rook slowly falling for each other.
CazaMentes chapter 8 . 11/16/2019
I love your history.
This break my little soul, but.. but
Thanks for to write this story.
PipeDreamPrayer chapter 7 . 10/2/2019
Ooooh I think my heart is in pieces... Oh god that hurts so much... Max... You deserved better!
PipeDreamPrayer chapter 2 . 10/1/2019
Loving the way Ben is surprising Rook with how unconventional effective he can be as a normal human in a fight
Guest chapter 6 . 7/28/2018
You did a truly AMAZING job on this series!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA chapter 7 . 7/12/2018
Ben in chapter 3: He died a hero!

This chapter's title: Hero

SunBinamra chapter 8 . 3/2/2018
Aw man, I can't believe you killed off Grandpa Max! But I get why you did it, and this was a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing!
NinjaSheik chapter 8 . 2/11/2018
A very bittersweet ending, indeed! Grandpa Max's died, but Ben and Rook are together and confessed their love for each other! This is definitely one of the best fics out for the "Ben 10" series! :D I really enjoyed reading it!
NinjaSheik chapter 7 . 2/11/2018
GRANDPA MAX! NO! T _ T Why did you have to kill him?! Poor Ben! Poor Gwen!

MOST EPIC CHAPTER EVER! I loved every bit of it! I think you did a great job with the action scenes. :D And Rook tried to confess his love for Ben, but didn't really get the chance to say it. Such a sad chapter, though! :(
NinjaSheik chapter 6 . 2/11/2018
Man, I love it when the gang is together! Having Ben find that Grandpa Max is alive and well was heartwarming, and seeing Gwen and Kevin again is always a delight! :) Now, they can finally take down that stupid crab!
NinjaSheik chapter 5 . 2/11/2018
SO AWESOME! DEFINITELY ONE OF THE BEST CHAPTERS IN THE ENTIRE STORY! :D Ben and Rook kicked some butt, Brant is out of the picture, and they're heading back to Earth! I'm glad Ben and Rook made up! :3
NinjaSheik chapter 4 . 2/11/2018
Brant is such a narcissist! GAH! He planned to rape Ben! UNFORGIVABLE!

I love Rad Dudesman! :D He's one of my favorite characters in the series because he's so funny and cool! XD I love this chapter! It's so epic to see Rad charging into battle! I feel bad for Ben since he got kidnapped and all. :(
NinjaSheik chapter 3 . 2/11/2018
NO! BEN! ROOK! DON'T FIGHT! T _ T Ah, the chapter definitely gave me the feels! I hate it when they fight, and it was just painful to see them so angry with each other.

Grr, stupid Grant! He needs stop touching Ben so familiarly! I really wish Rook had punched him here! He deserves it!
NinjaSheik chapter 2 . 2/11/2018
Having already read this story a while ago, I know Brant's true character, but I really loved how much of a jerk is to Rook right off the bat and his perverted desire for Ben is very obvious, and Rook can sense that. I find this chapter to very exciting since this begins the falling out between Ben and Rook for most of the story and Brant as one of the major villains! Plus, you put Pyxi in here, which is great! :D
NinjaSheik chapter 1 . 2/11/2018
This was such a brilliant chapter to open the story with! Dramatic and suspenseful! :D Poor Ben and Rook. Ben got hurt because that stupid Psychobos took control of Rook! T _ T
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