Reviews for The 86th annual hunger games SYOT
SparklyMagix chapter 1 . 6/28/2019
Full name: Mae Blackwood
Age: 13
District: 11
Friends: None
Family: No parents.
Backstory: Lived on the streets for a year before hunger games.
Reaped: No particular feelings.
Training score: 7
Interview personality: Optimistic.
Weapon of choice: Knives, throwing knives.
Weakness: guns/archery.
RedPabu123 chapter 1 . 3/14/2016
Name: Briana Larissa Cralin
Age: 13
Diatrict 7
Friends: bea cole and corrie black
Family: an older sister named liana cralin parents died
Back Story: she was born and her mam gat pregnant again, and died in a misscarrige at 7 months. da was heartbroken, but turned mean and starting abusing briana and liana by beating them, mentay hurting them, and sexually abusig them, he also drank. no need to say briana and her sister were glad when he died.
vollunteered: she didn't want to live anymore, and wanted to save the lie of the scared girl who had been reaped.
training score: 7
intervie personality, sarcastic and depressed
weopons: knife,
wekness: deep depression
reaping outfit: wood grain leggings and a green leafy tunic.
OnceAponATime chapter 1 . 11/24/2015
Haiti Rove
District 3
Casey Genema. They've been friends oforever and she was incredibly betrayed when Casey didn't volunteer. She would do it for Casey.
An older brother, sam, who is nineteen. Her mother is in an insane alysum and they live with there father, andrew Rove.
Casey is a fashoinista that doesn't understand the concept of Feelings all that well.
The world seemed to sway beneath my feet. My name! They had called MY NAME! I shot a helpless glance at Casey, my last hope. She was biting her lip, and didnt day a word. I sighed, and headed up to the stage.
Sweet and charming, but willing to pull put a knife.
A dagger, knife, or hatchet.
She isn't very strong
She has short, golden blond hair and sky blue eyes. Her reaping putfit was a purple shirt, purple skirt, and bow in her hair.
The Wandering Phantom chapter 1 . 5/6/2015
Full Name: Ember. That's it. He can't remember his last name.
District: 12
Friends: There was one boy who lived with him in the community home. The boy constantly changed his name, and loved to scare the crap out of people. He's also very close to many of the little kids in the community home.
Family: All unknown.
Any notes about friends or family: Not really...
Backstory: FOr as long as he can remember he's lived in the community home, getting in fistfights with the boys his age, and telling long, rambling stories to the little kids. A few years ago, he got a job working a machine in the Justice Building.
Volunteered or Reaped? Reaped.
If Reaped, feelings: He actually was a bit glad. He figured this is the most interesting thing that's ever going to happen to him. If he dies, so what? If not, then he's rich, and can adopt all the little kids from the community home.
Training score: 3. He did nothing impressive in the judging but tinker with one of the automatic scoring machines on the plant quizzes, and he ended up breaking it.
Interview personality: He's gonna be himself, which means telling long, rambling stories in answer to every question, and managing to subtly insult the interviewer repeatedly.
Weapons of choice: He prefers bare fistfighting.
Weakness: Physically, he's very small and not nearly as strong as the other boys. He's also got a big mouth, which could potentially lead to trouble.
Reaping outfit: His work shirt (which is tan and oil-stained) a vest, his tool belt, the longest pants he could find (which were unfortunately burnt in various places and had holes in the knees), and some super nice shoes he stole off a richer person.
Ashleyxx1105 chapter 1 . 2/28/2015
here is my tribute

Name : Cerise Jones

Age : 17

District : District 7 Lumber

Friends (if any) : nope :(

Family : Mum, Clover (46) Sister, Ava (23, pregnant) Brother, Rowan (13)

Any notes about friends or family : her sisters husband is named Ash Tomer (25), she never met her dad, he run away before her birth

Back story : no dramatic story, she was raised in a happy loving environment.

Volunteered or Reaped? : Reaped

If Reaped, feelings? : Confused, sad, angry

Training score : 6-9

Interview personality : friendly, but can be very feisty

Weapon/s of choice : Axe or Large Knives

Weakness : very emotional and has a smaller figure than most of the other tributes

any other notes : if she is chosen, and also chosen to die, please can it not be something like 'she was stabbed in the back', i would like an interesting death for her (if she is chosen)

Reaping outfit : A leaf green dress, down to the top of her knees with a black skinny belt, matching headband and some brown ballet flats.
Guest chapter 4 . 11/16/2014
Where do I post Tributes ?
TheWritress chapter 1 . 9/27/2014

Full name: Tierza Jyrah Mae

Age: 14

district: 10 or 11

friends(if any): nope!

family: older brother (18) Bree

any notes about friends or family: nope

Back story: blind since birth, she never knew her father and her mother died of some unknown sickness.

Volunteered or reaped? Reaped

if reaped, feelings: she knows she won't win, and is afraid but won't show it

training score: lower than 5

interview personality: closed, did not say much

weapon/s of choice (no more than 3): dagger or spear

weakness(running, lifting, weapon.)(at least one): blindness of course, and gets disoriented when surrounded by loud noises

any other notes: excellent hearing, sense of smell, and orientation (to compensate for blindness)
FantasyFan369 chapter 1 . 6/28/2014
Full Name- Zed Bash.

Age- 15

District- 12

Friends- Charlie Stone (boy) and Echo Roy (girl). Both same age as him.

Family- Sarah Bash (sister age 18), Alex Bash (brother age 8), and George Bash (father age 42)

Notes about friends or family- His sister is blind and Zed has a crush on Echo.

Back story- mother died giving birth to Alex.

Volunteered or reaped- Reaped.

If reaped feelings- He is socked, mad, and scarred.

Training score- 9 or 10.

Interview personality- Calm, collective, and charming.

Weapon of choice- throwing knifes and a sword.

Weaknesses- running

Reaping outfit- Black pants with a black shirt, and a black vest with silver lining.
AsAnAquarian chapter 3 . 5/24/2014
Sorry didnt read chapter 3
AsAnAquarian chapter 1 . 5/24/2014
Name:Vera Leona
Friends:Best friend-Tock(Male)
Family:Mother-Wanda(49), Father-Orkole(50), Twin brother-Vero(), Little sister-Daiser(12)
Notes about friends or family:She likes Tock, She is 22 seconds older then Vero, Is very protective of her family
Back Story:When Vera and Vero was born, they all struggled to get 's father eventually got them working in the grain field making them very Daiser came along and they have managed to scrape up enough money to buy a house.
Volonteered or reaped:Reaped
If reaped, feelings:She feels she has to win for her family.
Training Score:10
Interview Personality:Humble
Weapon of Choice:Sickle, Axe
Weakness:Love for her family, Love for Tock, Is very bad at long ranged weapons e. knives
Guest chapter 1 . 4/12/2014
Full name: Cornelia Galina Panon


friends(if any): Emerald Ember Dallas
Odette Cecelia James
Mia Anette Gamble
Macy Teagan


any notes about friends or family:

Back story:

Volunteered or reaped?

if volunteered, why?

if reaped, feelings:

training score:

interview personality:

weapon/s of choice (no more than 3):

weakness(running, lifting, weapon.)(at least one):

any other notes


reaping outfit:
someoneorother123 chapter 2 . 2/21/2014
Please update soon its been a while and I'm really looking forward to more
AnimeAngel chapter 1 . 2/16/2014
Neeeeed Moooooore!
I love it! I love it! I love this!
00animeandmanga00 chapter 1 . 2/1/2014
Cassie Marks
mum, dad, brother (elder)
Lives in a poorer part ofdistrict 3withher family and is unpopular at school
absolutely mortified/terrified
shy, but comes across asnice
bow and arrow, knives
running and fighting
a light blue dress with a matchingheadband
Guest chapter 3 . 1/31/2014
Name:Asher salmen
He was reaped and he was very scared but he had a bored face to show no fear for the capital
His backstory is when he was a boy he liked a girl that got reaped and he saw her die on the screen, and also that was his best friend
Age 16
Friends: Angelina ash( she was reaped when Asher was 14, so two years ago) also Henry peers a boy that was treated badly from the popular kids
Weapons: spears, axes, and a knife
Notes: he has light blonde hair with hazel eyes.
Interview outfit: he had a white tux with a red tie
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