Reviews for Stories Lost in Time
creativesm75 chapter 1 . 8/29/2016
very nice
uncontained hybrid chapter 1 . 1/20/2014
I love the way that this is narrated, it really gave me the sense that some supernatural being was reading this story out.
I found a few grammar mistakes - in the second and sixth paragraphs, it's is written with an apostrophe, rather than as its. In this instance, its is written without the apostrophe as it shows possession rather than the contracted form of 'it is'.
In the fifteenth paragraph - "London is Old" I'm not sure if Old is written on purpose with a capital for effect, or if this was a typo, and the same goes for "those are the perils that Change" in the sixteenth paragraph.
One last thing - maybe an A/N could be placed at the top, just to to explain to the reader what is going on. Maybe I'm a wee bit dumb, but I wasn't sure if it was post-Reichenbach, post-series 3, or just the start of BBC Sherlock until I got to the A/N.
- Deb :)