Reviews for Out and About
visions2share chapter 1 . 7/4/2014
Funny little story. I'm hoping you're going to add a chapter where the team finds out because the video does go viral. McGee's reaction to finding it online ought to be very entertaining.
Thanks for sharing,
necessitytd chapter 1 . 2/5/2014
Sigh - love gibbs in the meeting with Vance. Totally in character with the shrugging and the short answers. And his defense of Tony's character made me feel all warm and happy.
Jebeth chapter 1 . 1/21/2014
summersquares chapter 1 . 1/20/2014
1. First of all, I love this idea. The single scene driving it all, first Tony and then adding Gibbs in. Then another view of it, from Vance, and the ramifications of accidentally coming out.
2. Sexiest line of the story: "How you would stand up for the Agency." He paused to smirk at Gibbs over a sip of Scotch on the rocks. "And your boy." The last three ef-ing words. They went right through me. I don't know why but what an impact.
3. Sexiest moment in the story. When Gibbs bellows "I'm his BOYFRIEND." Sheeeeeesh. My knees went liquid.
4. My favorite intimacy of the story: the way that Tony is so calm and unfazed, just happy to see Gibbs coming and to watch the fireworks. The way they look at each other (as they do) and communicate all the things they need to communicate. Just intimate and sexy and sweet.
5. Favorite Tony moments: well, I already mentioned his gleeful waiting for Gibbs, but nice alliteration asshole was up there, as was when he said "yet it so is" about it being their "jurisdiction". Hah!
6. Favorite Gibbs moments: First, when he laughed when Tony said "yet is so is" and well, I already mentioned the end line, but the way he described Tony as the cleanest among them. Also I love how he doesn't give a crap about what affect the tape has.
7. Favorite Leon moment. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction, but he is really you and I do want to give you the satisfaction so I will just say that with all the crap that being a director brings, I could see it. Seriously, getting to ask the questions and find out all the answers is incredibly alluring to a snoop like me. I'd do it. Sorry Gibbs, babe!
Gloworm41 chapter 1 . 1/19/2014
Most excellent job!
JENTWCSINYFAN2 chapter 1 . 1/19/2014
Wow very good very good indeed.
DiNozzos probie chapter 1 . 1/19/2014
Glad to see you posting on here too! This was great the second time around! *smish*
asdfhgjdksaotheu chapter 1 . 1/19/2014
I'm laughing and crying and changing into rainbow clothing and I really like this. Good job- Way to touch on Tony's "cleanliness" and Gibb's non-violent protective streak.
angelscatie chapter 1 . 1/19/2014
Great story