Reviews for A Little Party Never Killed Nobody
latifraise chapter 5 . 2/24/2016
Loved loved this new entry. I like how funny you make this story and also dramatic at times. We turn from laughter to tears. Robert is so cute and he had a good intuition! I like how you write all of them. Can't wait for another chapter.
witchoesed chapter 5 . 2/23/2016
OMG thank you so so much for this! I read this story a long while ago and it made me sad that it wasn't complete, are you planning on finish it? I hope you do, this is beautiful! Awww Cobert are having twins, how lovely is that? Please write more!
ModernAmericanGirl chapter 5 . 2/23/2016
Something DOES feel strange. I think it's my joy at reading this new chapter. And also the TWINS.

Oh my goodness. This is just a collection of delightful mental images. Too many to choose from-Harold, the pot-smoking degenerate soon-to-be uncle? Violet wonderfully going to the hospital and being nervous? Robert skipping back to Cora? TOO MANY CHOICES.

You'll have to just write more so that my decision becomes even harder.
granthamfan chapter 5 . 2/23/2016
I can't even begin to express the brilliance of this chapter! And I LOVE the twist you threw in! You described Robert's reaction perfectly. Even in AU, you portray each character's personality so well. I'm in awe of your talent, friend!
Notaslongasthat chapter 5 . 2/23/2016
Twin Mary and Edith?
Interesting. &&Poor marmaduke!
witchoesed chapter 4 . 11/18/2015
Any chance to continue this? Because it's damn awesome! Pleasee
DSI-ScullyGibson chapter 4 . 8/9/2015
This is wonderful! And expecting Cobert is absolutely adorable, especially Robert shopping for baby items! But boy is Cora going to be upset that he did it without her! Update soon, pretty please!
ModernAmericanGirl chapter 4 . 11/21/2014
I wish you could insert emojis into these reviews, because I'd like to include like fifty of that little smiley face that's crying tears of laughter/amusement. FOR REALS.

1. Robert going nuts in the baby store. The you know what's going to hit the fan for him soon, I think. On a less funny note, I thought it was sweet how Marmaduke sort of quietly just went along with it all, even though it was probably painful for him.

2. Pitbull. Pitbull and Violet Crawley. Two things that should never ever be allowed in the same room. And yet- I sort of want it to happen over and over and over. I do love when she loosens up a bit (usually in big part due to Martha's antics ;) )

3. Pregnant Cora is the sweetest thing ever.

downton-and-daydreams chapter 4 . 11/20/2014
Loved this, Robert's baby shopping was so cute!
CobertForever chapter 4 . 11/20/2014
i enjoyed the chapters! all are adorable! .. sweet robert and cora!
AshleighWrites97 chapter 4 . 11/20/2014
uma.ramrup chapter 4 . 11/19/2014
Yay! An update. I just loved the interaction between Martha and violet . Also Vipat scenes were great. Glad that violet is making an effort.
granthamfan chapter 4 . 11/19/2014
I am so excited that you updated this! I love overprotective Robert :-). And is he ever going to be in trouble when Cora sees the massive amount of stuff he bought without her. The interaction between Violet and Martha was beyond priceless, and the the thought of Marmaduke handcuffing Rosamund to the bed and not being able to find the keys had me in stitches! Amazing job as always, friend!
Karli1252 chapter 4 . 11/19/2014
OH MY GOD, AN UPDATE! I'M SO HAPPY! What a fantastic chapter! I love this story so much! I loved the first one too! I cannot wait for the next chapter! I ship Vipat so hard and it's all because of you! I'm so excited to read more!
Karli1252 chapter 3 . 9/21/2014
Ahhh I love this! I am so happy there is a second story! Please please PLEASE update soon! I love Violet and Patrick they're so cute! I also love The Levinsons they're hilarious! I love how cuddly violet and Patrick have become. Waiting VERY eagerly for your next MARVELLOUS chapter!
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