Reviews for A Long Time Coming
Guest chapter 1 . 3/14/2015
Well written story but the whole sex scene was so tiring, i didn't find it hot at all, i got tired of "seeing" emma all but bossing him around, so frustrating
Guest chapter 1 . 9/6/2014
Horsecrazy141 chapter 1 . 2/4/2014
Haha what she said to snow haha that was great I loved this
wintercandy chapter 1 . 1/26/2014
This is the second smutt I've read and I loved it. You write well. :D
TashaRose chapter 1 . 1/22/2014
{grins} I got a kick out of Emma using that same excuse that Mary Margaret and David did. LOL. Loved it!
Faitalani chapter 1 . 1/22/2014
I absolutely loved it!
jlm13 chapter 1 . 1/22/2014
Nice job! Great descriptions. This was a fun read!
Elmy chapter 1 . 1/22/2014
LOL, firstly, loved the opening line. Secondly it's amazing how much cleaning a man will do if there is a chance he'll get a little something something ;-) Great characterisations and very hot. Can you please send Hook over to help me with my housework too? :)