Reviews for Look At Me
ZophToko chapter 100 . 7/26/2017
I never read a fic portraying OZAI because they mostly do it with azula or the mom instead of ozai with the character change. and I adore it. This was so original. Im happy because I can finally imagine ozai now sane, making amends and helping to fix azula. Then Zuko can find his mom and HER family. and they can all have a big HAPPY AGNI FAMILY
ZophToko chapter 75 . 7/26/2017
I'm in love with how u made ozai watch zuko closely. how he noticed zuko's change in demeanor when he first saw Toph. He probably realized how zuko automatically shrunk smaller when Tiphanie asked to go home and how he said please
ZophToko chapter 46 . 7/26/2017
iroh and toph (and normal shy/cool/angsty Zuko) are my spirit animals
ZophToko chapter 39 . 7/26/2017
Topho be honest I love/hate katara here. I hate her because she is spiteful and demanding things. But I absolutely love her more because her and Toph having a complicated relationship, her, Toph and Suki are like sisters. so katara like a friend and sister tried to protect Toph. though she unintentionally did it the wrong way, she was good. And Toph was just perfection. You are one of the few ppl who have made me be able to hate zuko, and I forgave ozai before I did zuko. but I love zuko too, even if he was a b*stard here. and I kinda feel bad for Mai too. Cuz even if she was bitchy, she did deserve more respect then just acting as a baby producer. LOVED THIS
Someone chapter 100 . 8/3/2016
I TOTALLY forgive Ozai. I luv the idea of it all. To be honest i foragave Ozai before i forgave Zuko. Haha. So great. I Loved it!
nightkitty555 chapter 100 . 7/8/2016
But Iroh should have been in the painting too! Loved it though. I never usually read stories with chapters shorter than 2,000-3,000, but I might have to abandon that.
nightkitty555 chapter 86 . 7/7/2016
love the last line of this one!
nightkitty555 chapter 18 . 7/7/2016
Hope4AMiracle chapter 100 . 6/5/2016
Never have I read something so simple yet perpetually indulging at the same time. It nade me cry and stare at the sky in content.
hairdryer chapter 100 . 3/24/2016
I just found this like an hour ago and couldn't help my finger from keep tapping next to the end.
Is this considered as a drabble, bcoz it's light an simple, yet the story is flowing good from each chapter and the emotions strike me hard. I love this. Thanks for the hard work.
Eurus Rantipole chapter 57 . 3/17/2016
Damn, the chapters with Ozai in them are FIIINE...

So well done. Short, clipped, and and overflowing with pathos. Kudos.
Eurus Rantipole chapter 27 . 3/17/2016
Oh...I LOVE this chapter...
Morbid Humour chapter 100 . 9/5/2015
I hated Ozai... I hated him... But this... This has made me- ME! Forgive him. You my Lord, you are a mastermind!
I loved reading this, and if it wasn't so late I would go straight to reading Weather (considering I won't be able to read it after I wake...) because I am so excited to read it! But at last, it is 04:26 and I've been up all night reading this... I think I need some sleep... .
Anyway, with returned love...
- M. Humour.
Morbid Humour chapter 90 . 9/5/2015
Just a word of praise, I love and admire you work. You have captured me in every way as a fan. And I am looking forward to reading the detailed series of Look at me.
- With great love, M. Humour.
Morbid Humour chapter 57 . 9/5/2015
Ugh! There is hardly half a minute spent around Ozai, yet I hate him more than any other Ozai I can think of. He is by far the most unbearable.
- M. Humour.
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