Reviews for Mysteries in the Jungle
marine.maurine chapter 21 . 3/16/2018
I enjoyed your story "Mysteries in the Jungle'. I never read any fan fiction until after I retired in 2013. When I first started reading stories your were some of my favorites. I liked this series because Hiroki was such a strong, take charge character without being out of character. Usually he is written about as more hesitant with Nowaki being the impulsive bold one.
After years of not reading more I was so thrilled to have finishing chapters come up.
I like the balance of lightness and harshness you interwove in your story showing both side of human character.
Now that my daughter has shown me how I hope to continue reading more of your stories
Shiranai Atsune chapter 21 . 3/16/2018
Whoa! "The end"? I feel so sad and happy! This is great! You finished it... and now it's over...

I love it! Wonderful writing!~
BritishShinshi chapter 1 . 3/15/2018
Awesome! I love the ending, looking forward for more of your stories!
mircheto chapter 1 . 3/15/2018
This was such a sweet story! I enjoyed it very much! Thank you for writhing it!
SAILOR1 chapter 21 . 3/15/2018
Great story. Glad Aki finally got married Lola.
Paulie MickeyJ chapter 19 . 2/25/2018
wedding! congratulations to Kana! when are you going to update again? it's been so long, I missed this story, loved the beach scene. everything was beautiful.
Soul Vrazy chapter 19 . 2/24/2018
Thank you for not abandoned this story~
You make my day bright when I see there update waiting for me.
BritishShinshi chapter 18 . 1/4/2018
Amazing! I just finished the last chapter, and I'm waiting for more! The egoist couple here are so cute and adorable! I love how they interact in this story. Other than that, I almost cried for Misaki. I knew the escapees won't make it, but after reading the part where they died and knowing the fact that Misaki could have been there with them, it almost shot a hole in my heart. Thank god... my little cinnamon roll is just too adorable .
BritishShinshi chapter 4 . 1/3/2018
This is amazing 3 Loving the story so far!
Guest chapter 18 . 11/11/2017
I love this fic and Im glad you updated !
Arlujen chapter 18 . 11/10/2017
thank you for the update :D I always come back to this fic, although NowakixHiroki isn't my favourite couple. I can't wait to read more about the progressing relationship between Misaki and Usagi 3 I hope for scenes where Misaki interacts with Usagi's family
Guest chapter 18 . 11/9/2017
Thank you so much for updating! I love how the egoist couple look so happy, and the romantica are on the way.
Paulie MickeyJ chapter 18 . 11/5/2017
We are not the savages 'that' they claim. You wrote 'they' twice. I didn't like the escapee group. But it's sad that they died. And how cute did you make my boys! Nowaki didn't know Hiroki was the future leader, how cute is that. I loved this chapter! So we have three more chapters to go? Will we get to see the wedding? Tell me you have a wedding planned please. I like your Misaki with spine, he is smarter than he pretends to be.
Guest chapter 7 . 10/22/2017
This is interesting
puppyfacetwo chapter 17 . 10/22/2017
I'm so glad to see Hiroki and Nowaki so comfortable with each other! They're just so good together! God, seeing them happy just warms me inside. ω

I'm also insanely happy Misaki didn't actually get on that escape boat. I thought for sure he was going to for a moment, but then Aki showed up and kind of solidified Misaki's choice in not going. And it's a good thing he did too! Otherwise he would have met an untimely end, like the rest of those escapees did.
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