Reviews for Four Seasons and a Year
Diaflower chapter 11 . 5/13/2015
If what I'm thinking is correct... then tht is one fucked up world.

Please excuse my language...
Diaflower chapter 7 . 5/13/2015
Ashlee Simpson's song Boyfriend, anyone?

This story is one of my favorites, and I love this pairing you write about! I haven't read and England x Romano fics, but ths, I know is a really good one! I love it!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/16/2014
Arthur kinda reminds me of Hibari Kyoya, from KHR! and I absolutely love that...
Birthday fan chapter 34 . 7/8/2014
April 23 is my birthday too!
HetaFreak-Me chapter 34 . 6/26/2014 I don't know where to start is just
Ok let me just say this is one of THE BEST fanfictions I have read, ever! I've read quite a lot of fanfictions here and there so that's quite an achievement, I mean I came here looking for a new Hetalia pairing that I hadn't read about before but what I didn't realise was that this pairing work so well together and the way you wrote it really compliments that. I really like this story I think it really couldn't be any better than this and I really like the way you planned England as this punk-with-a-soft-side it's so cool and it's just the right amount of each to make this perfect character.
Romano... What can I say about Romano, he acts just the way I imagine he would in all the situations you put him in but in a way that keeps you on your toes.
The realationship between England and Romano is just precious and that's really all I have to say beacause it's just that good.
One quick note - Prussia, France and Spain are called the Bad Touch Trio not Friends Trio ok that's it

HetaFreak out!
Guest chapter 34 . 5/23/2014
Omfg I'm so sad now it's over what I can't but I'm also so happy! That was amazing and I'm so happy I spent the time reading this, your writing is amazing and I can hardly ever find fanfictions for this pairing! (I love them so much dang..) they way you wrap things up in the end is absolutely perfect! every character was beautifully expressed and the storyline was something I could never dream of coming up with! You've inspired me to kept at it with my writing, thank you
Once again, amazing job! This is the best tho give read in a long time!
Napoli Corleone chapter 34 . 4/18/2014
This story was awesome. I couldn't stop reading feom start to finish. Tears, laughter,perfect just perfect. Thank you for posting this!
Kay-Mentrae chapter 34 . 3/31/2014
I have to tell you, I've really enjoyed reading this story! This was just so well written and your portrayal of everything from the characters to the Ocs and even the island they all live on was so fantastically complex and yet perfect for this Au! Plus the diffrent shades of personality that both Arthur and Lovino had gave them both such depth! As well as how you had them change eachother and grow over the course of the story really made it so much more realistic as well as heart wrenching at times, but even then it just made it all the better. Because of that, this story has been one of the very best ArthurxLovino AND highschool based Hetalia romances I have ever read! (and with how many I HAVE read, that's not a light complement!)
That, and the way you incorporated the original anime into it at times was seriously brilliant! As well as including both the 2ptalia and Nyotalia characters, which in my opinion gave it a unique twist that truly tied everything together just so perfectly! I love that you made his father Oliver! (God I can't stop laughing at that! But no worries, it's a good thing X3) and his previous lover femFrance! And honestly having him with the more cocky bad boy attitude and punk attire actually fit him more for highschool, being when England was younger he was rather a cocky bad boy (though more of a pirate back then) and then he his punk stage as he got older (as rather a fuck the world stage more then anything) before settling down to the more tsundere git we know and love today! Of course, if you were to follow this pattern into another story, I could see him slowly adopting a more professional or comfortable look while in college, reverting to those green sweater vests and such he wears in the anime... Though I could also see Lovino chastise him about his sudden new look. That or secretly love it yet still complain!

Speaking of, I really hope you do write another story based in this Au. It's really been so enjoyable to read and I would absolutely love to see more of it! Perhaps even getting to see Arthur reconnect with his dad, or maybe even an actually wedding between him and Lovino... though that IS rather a bit much and you did say it would be more centred around Arthur's college life more then his growing romance. But ah well, a fangirl can dream... All the same, I do hope you actually write it, but if you can't or just really don't want to then I suppose it's alright. I DO look forward to what ever you do happen to write though! You're a brilliant author, and I've come to really enjoy your style through reading this, and I'm sure to very much enjoy anything else you might happen to write! Do keep up the amazing work.

-Shiraha Ookami
Lilia1998 chapter 34 . 3/17/2014
Yay! You have done wonderfully through out the whole fanfic! I must say your way of writing your fanfic is really different from what I usually read in this website and it caught my attention entirely. Glad that I stick through and able to know more about you! Hopefully we'll meet again, haha!

P.S You play Dissidia too?! omfg
QuinnStormTwilight chapter 34 . 3/16/2014
WAITWAITWAITWAIT! What did Francis give Arthur? There are so many possibilities that I'm thinking up and I have to find out what or Ill keep myself all night wondering.
Luna the Hare chapter 34 . 3/16/2014
I have followed and favourited this, and while I am sad that it is coming to an end, it is a beautiful story
luckynumberblack chapter 34 . 3/16/2014
Thanks for writing this story. It was awesome. Now that you've finally finished I have to read it again from the beginning. See you next time you write something.
theSardonyx chapter 33 . 3/15/2014
Goodness, it's the end already.? Imma miss this little fella. The best Engmano story yet. :)

Write on.!
luckynumberblack chapter 32 . 3/14/2014
Great chapter. I seriously love how well you can make the characters interact with each other. Thanks for updating. See you next time. :3
luckynumberblack chapter 31 . 3/13/2014
Great chapter as always. I love how Arthur is drunk. Thanks for updating. See you next time.
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