Reviews for Love Isn't Optional
Guest chapter 24 . 11/5/2019
Love ya! I know u probably wont write more. U said so yourslef. But like Shakespere u left with a brillinat show
Mormon girl chapter 19 . 11/4/2019
As a mormon i find taht offensive.
Jk. I ma a mormon but i dont take it personally we r. Spiritually pure...
Most of us
Guest chapter 17 . 11/4/2019
Ok i was meaning to review for a while now. I just figured it was useless since u havent updatted for a year... But im sorry baout the move i have a froend who is moving 2,000 miles away. And it hurts. Jsut know that peopel r probably missing u. And that u r brilliant and that cLary is 100 percnet right. fRenCh iS HoT
Guest chapter 9 . 11/3/2019
NanChlo chapter 24 . 9/11/2019
Great story and great shitty life advice 3
NanChlo chapter 6 . 9/10/2019
I’m not sure how I feel about how easily they both accepted the arranged marriage considering this is set present day but your writing style flows well has good dialogue and I am liking the story so am willing to suspend my disbelief on that issue and just go with the flow.
LilyRay321 chapter 24 . 8/11/2019
so sweet
awesome story
I love it
JaceLover22 chapter 24 . 12/21/2018
I'm not going to lie...this was one of the best fanfictions i've ever read. This ending, was satisfying. I honestly do not think that you should make an epilogue; it will ruin the carefully crafted sheet of lice that this fanfiction is by giving it a feeling that doesn't belong to it. I was pulled in and amazed every step of the way. This is a work of art; a truly amazing piece. Thank you for bringing this into my life, it has helped me greatly. I hope you are still around, and that you will one day read this. YOU have a future in writing, and this was perfect. Thank you.
Guest chapter 24 . 9/22/2018
this is literally one of the best fanfictions i've ever read!
Turtlet chapter 1 . 8/10/2018
I would not be having their shit
Shauna kullden chapter 24 . 3/1/2018
Hey wheres the epilogue, man? Been waiting at least a year for that!
Guest chapter 24 . 1/16/2018
I love you your pieces of advice are my life! And yes I too would like to ride Matthew Daddario’s dick into the sunset lmfao . The story was so so so so good️
ClaceLover246 chapter 24 . 12/23/2017
Natalie.AnUnfortunateFairyTale chapter 24 . 6/29/2017
Hi there! I just read this whole story in one night and it is one of my top three ever! You have a lot of talent on writing. My favorite scenes are the ones with Clace banter and teasing and fluff. This was amazing and I hope you continue to write Clace. I usually don't like the "arranged marriage" stories..but this one was FRIKIN AMAZEBALLS HECK YEAH! Keep being awesome
roseml57 chapter 24 . 6/17/2017
this was honestly one of my favorite fanfics :)
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