Reviews for Frozen Heart
Roy chapter 34 . 8/25/2019
Awesome, can't wait for you to post it. I think it would be a good idea for you to post some drawings or oneshots if you have a few.

Also, i loved that ending. And yes, Ina was kind of whiny and childish, however, she's still my favorite. I'm glad that you are rewrittring her.
Summer chapter 34 . 8/24/2019
PLOT TWIST! Okay, I did not expect that ending. I thought it was going to be the old-fashioned Disney final but what happened with Sver and Ina, well, let’s say disappearing, that was unexpected. You got me in there, dear author.
I’m glad that your putting more psychology into the characters so we can understand their motivations. Honestly, I’m a little curious why Ina wants so badly the throne. I mean, why does she want to prove herself so badly? Anyway, I love the way that Elsa never lose hope in “saving” Ina, but I guess a mother never gives up on her children… I’m telling you again I love the angst that you threw in those final chapters, there’s nothing I love most that family drama.
I would love to see more of Ina personality (I don’t care she’s crazy, I love her. I want her to be happy), also her dynamic with Elsa seems complex, there’s a loooooot to explore in that mother-daughter relationship (drama, fluff, angst, anger, etc.), If I were you, I would squeeze it until the last drop.
Whatever you have of her (drawings, one-shots, etc.), they’ll be well received. Thank you for updating.
EndlessReign chapter 32 . 3/6/2015
Actually I'm glad you are deciding the take out the Amelie plot, but Tom's nickname should be Tommy or you should just name him something else like William or Phillip (just a popular royal name). To me, Tao seems too Asian no offense.
MagicOfDisney chapter 32 . 3/6/2015
Thanks for the update and nice to know that you still want to continue the story.
Your ideas sound good so far and I look forward to reading this when you get round to writing it.
Insectoid chapter 32 . 3/5/2015
Thanks for keeping us posted! I look forward to the new, improved Frozen Heart.
MagicOfDisney chapter 31 . 12/29/2014
Thanks for the update I did wonder what you had decided to do for this story.
Looks like you are much happier and have some good plans on what you have in mind for the story. I do hope we get to read some shortly as I'm looking forward to seeing the changes and finding out what happens in the story.
FrozenGuest chapter 31 . 12/28/2014
I'm really excited, i love your fic it's amazin

g and your ocs too, especially Ina, I love that girl (she's my favorite) her mind is so twisted and I just love it haha. I can't wait to see what plans do you have for this fic. I would really like to see more of the relationship that Ina and Elsa have, but you can notice the it's really complicated. Anyways, sorry if there is a grammar mistake, English is not my first lenguage.
ThawMyFrozenHeart chapter 15 . 10/31/2014
I flipped out at the end when you quoted Into the Woods! I looooooove that musical and I'm so pumped for the movie!
Wicked Waffles chapter 30 . 10/25/2014
Putting the fic on hold? A small part of me just died.

A story that's not enjoyable to write is not enjoyable to read, so take your time, plan it out, and get a definite view of where your going.

As for me, I absolutely love this fic, and am with ya till the end of the line for this one (and Arendelle Adventures!). You've got a real knack for writing, that's for sure.

On whether to completely rewrite or just make a few changes depends on how far you'll deviate from the original plot, in my opinion. What you have now is amazing, but I also would love to see what else you have in store.

This is a bit of a Frozen Heart/Arendelle Adventures request, but hows about a one-shot series based off of Frozen Heart? Just a thought...

Lookin forward to when you get this fic back on track.
EladamriCorell chapter 30 . 10/25/2014
Don't worry about it. I've enjoyed reading Frozen Heart up till now, and I'm sure I'll enjoy whatever rewriting you choose to do. Just write the story as you want to now; I'm sure that if you like it more, then we'll all feel the same way!
MagicOfDisney chapter 30 . 10/24/2014
Wow has it really been that long? It's a shame that you are having trouble writing :(

I guess you have to ask yourself if you feel like you would rather start all over again with a re-write? By the sounds of it you already have an answer but I'm guessing you're worried about your readers? I'm only speaking for myself here but I would rather you were happy with your work and enjoy writing without having to stress out over it. If you force yourself to write something you aren't happy with then you are going to struggle getting chapters out, and possibly give up on the story. If you aren't enjoying what you write then the story will suffer, and you won't get out chapters that are your best work. We all know you are a good writer thats why you have over 100 followers on this story ;)
If the story is based on the same plot but you are just going to improve bits you feel need improving and things added then I see no reason why your readers will have a problem with you re-writing.
Whatever you decide I will support your decision and look forward to reading your work.
fireninjafox chapter 29 . 10/18/2014
Please keep continuing
fireninjafox chapter 23 . 10/18/2014
Oh crap, evil daughter
jani11 chapter 29 . 8/26/2014
Oh, Elsa, stop kidding yourself. Can't you see that Ina's not like you? But Elsa's reaction is actually realistic. It's probably hard for a parent to believe the worst about their child.
MagicOfDisney chapter 29 . 8/19/2014
Good to see you haven't given up on this story. Looking forward to the family reunion in the next chapter.
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