Reviews for The Move
Guest chapter 3 . 7/6
It is very clear that you take this very seriously, and that right there is your downfall.

I'd like to say that your clunky overbearing pretentious writing is just as good as Roald Dahl, but it just isn't and it's simply because you're trying so hard to be like him that all authenticity or pleasure is sucked right out of the writing. You're not Roald Dahl, and you're most definitely not anywhere close to Margaret Atwood so why are you trying so hard to be something that you're clearly not?

Maybe if you spent more time creating your own voice instead of mimicking someone's else this story would be enjoyable. As it is I can't stomach another chapter of this.
AUaddict chapter 77 . 5/29
After binge-reading CatCF works by other authors I finally returned back to The Move, and I have to say that although I found a few other versions of Willy Wonka which I liked, yours is still a favourite - a man who carries on his back a lot of "baggage" from his childhood, but who did not let that baggage stop him from achieving his dreams or kill his imagination, who has a dark side, but is not controled by it, and who really has a heart of gold, but is not oblivious to bad intentions of others.
I also liked the contrast between George's and Josephine's behaviour (how George recognized that his behaviour towards Willy was disrespectful and decided to change it, and how Josephine did not see anything wrong with hers), and I'm curious if there will be a clash of grandparents - and if yes, what will Joe's reaction be.
Other things I'm curious about are: Charlie's past visitor, who moved away, nurse Grimes' fate and Felix Fickelgruber's thoughts and actions after his conversation with Willy. I thank you for what you have written so far, and I'm looking forward to future chapters.
The Vagabond Scribbler chapter 77 . 5/24
Hello there. It's me, randomly showing up after a months-long absence yet again. I've been busy for the past few months... mostly I've been preparing for an international move on my own, which has been extremely hard due to the virus delaying flights. Last Christmas (in 2019) I did post Chapter One of my novel-length Wonka fanfic but, as you may have noticed back then, I took it down quickly because I felt it wasn't quite right... yet. But for the past few months, despite my absence from story-posting, I've been quietly working on my fanfic (which has so far been renamed ''Willy Wonka and the Inventor'' by the way) and I think the first few chapters are looking pretty good so far.

I'm hoping to post the chapters on Christmas this year (yeah, Christmas again, I know...) if everything goes well. But if that international move is making me way too extremely busy, I may post the chapters in January or Feburary 2021 instead. But we'll see about that.

It's also highly likely that I will change my username because apparently there are no less than two bloggers online who go by the name Vagabond Scribbler. Since I want to eventually build an online platform of sorts as a writer, I think it's best if I avoided... confusion. So if I do change my name, you might need to update the summary and Author's Note of your lovely ''To My Nephew'' fanfic so that any mention of my name as an author will reflect my updated username instead. (PS: No, I'm not going to switch accounts! I think I've done enough unnecessary account-switching for a lifetime. I just intend on changing my username.)

Anyway, after all this information concerning ''updates'' on me and my writing and whatnot, it's high time I switched my focus to properly reviewing your new chapter:

Admittedly it's been a while since I read this lovely fanfic, so I missed quite a few chapters. I almost thought it was Willy Wonka driving the car (hmm, now that's an interesting thought) until I saw Mr. Bucket's name. While I still have to look back on previous chapters to properly depicher the current plotline, I really liked the interaction between Willy and Charlie here... very in-character, both of them, and the Principal was also interesting in an annoyed-and-exasperated-adult sort of way. I guess Willy Wonka tends to have that sort of effect on ordinary people, which is always amusing to watch even if the ordinary adults in question don't find it amusing.

And I see that you posted this chapter on February 29, which is Willy's birthday in your fanfic-universe. While I do have a different birthday for him in my stories, I don't want to pass the chance to wish him a very happy birthday... so, to Mr. Willy Wonka, as written in Turrislucidus's stories, here's a ridiculously belated Happy Birthday to you. Yes, I know that it's already May, but hey... everyone is allowed to say weird things. (I might as well wish everyone a Very Happy Seven Months Before Christmas... oh, never mind.)
Guest chapter 77 . 4/3
Write a story where violet gets the coronavirus
Squirrela chapter 77 . 3/1
I’m loving the progression you show here. How things change over the next short block of comings and goings.

Thanks for posting. I look forward to the next chapter, even if not posted on the 29th Feb. Yeah, I’d like to read it sooner than another four years time, so it not being then would be good!
VariousFandomDevotion chapter 69 . 2/17
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from reading this story, it’s to become very nervous any time that Willy Wonka’s voice is described as silky. This chapter (as well as the one before it) is an especially good example of that principle. It all makes me wonder if we’re going to find out just how far Willy would go to protect Charlie if he felt that the situation was dire.
Squirrela chapter 76 . 2/1
Wow! Another chapter already?! How wonder, I mean Wonkaful. You hope I will? You think I will?!

So many thoughts, so many things to comment on. So much of Wily's conversation with James... I mean Terence... No! Wrong guy, I mean Noah that could be explored further - and could lead to other options for so many people. Your Name section was, once again, fantastic. In the end, the end stood out the most. Willy is so on point there. Yeah, repeat visitors only!? Poor Charlie... the latest golden ticket. I wonder how many people would end up on that tour. Oh... I don't need to wonder. Kids...
Writting-acting chapter 1 . 1/28
I love this story so muchit’s amazing
Crazy Cakes 23 chapter 75 . 1/26
The funny thing is that Vivz (the creator of Hazbin) partially based Alastor off Willy Wonka, and that he died the same year Gene Wilder was born (1933)
1234567890qwerty chapter 1 . 1/23
very good i like it
Squirrela chapter 75 . 1/22
This chapter is definitely named correctly. Where do you even start to comment? More things go wrong than go right, it seems. The biggest thing that stands out in the end is how good Noah is at interpreting Willy’s instructions. I’m glad it’s not me having to work out what his little drawing means. Um... I think you forgot to finish the scene. About a paragraph seems to be missing, the one where you tell us what happens after they get into the car... please don’t make us wait too long to find out! Thanks for coming back to this.
Crazy Cakes 23 chapter 57 . 1/20
Holy shit Willy is really emulating the Radio Demon
Scep chapter 74 . 11/17/2019
Heyo I just wanted to say that your stories in the CatCF tag have made me super happy and inspired me in so many ways. I've read all there is so far and for months I've been talking about your AU. I seriously love Terence and his relationship with Willy, Charlie and the Buckets. I've drawn him multiple times and added him to an AU of my own, obviously not published, but seriously your pieces are amazing and super inspiring. I honestly can't wait for the upcoming updates. You've had me hooked since The Interview. Just thought I would let you know how inspiring your writing is and how much I appreciate it.
Linkwonka88 chapter 74 . 2/3/2019
Wizard of Oz was my favorite book I was scared of the movie though and I always repeat the mantra of there’s no place like home when I travel to different states for my Home Inspector for Morgage companies...I inspect homes that are on the market or on foreclosure and such and I travel a lot
Squirrela chapter 74 . 2/1/2019
So many comments that could be commented upon here. I have to say, the moment Charlie realises what Willy could see from where he was standing, and just how faceless the Factory isn’t, has to be the most touching part of the chapter. Isn’t it funny how sometimes the things that can embarrass us the most, actually mean so much to the people who observe them from afar?
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