Reviews for Thunderstorms
Kerri chapter 16 . 4/26
This is a great story! Looking forward to reading more!
smithknk1 chapter 16 . 4/26
I think I read the start of this one years ago! So glad to see you continuing with it! Don’t leave us hanging another 4 years though :)
TVismydrug chapter 16 . 4/26
Unable to read as is with all the computer "info". Is it possible to repost?
AureaD chapter 15 . 11/11/2016
I've just read through your story and find it captivating. You have caught all the characters superbly. Your story has been so easy to read and kept me believing I was reading an episode from the show. The story line is wonderful, though sadly horrific, but hopefully things will change for Marissa and Kelly. Where is that bastard Jonathan Wayne? Gibbs will surely want to kill him. It was so easy to believe that Marissa was Gibbs' Kelly's best friend. I won't let on what I think will happen to them, I'll wait and see what you have in store for us. Can't wait for more.
hslacer chapter 15 . 11/10/2016
This is a gut wrenching story. Really do like it. Gibbs in Papa Bear mode is the best. Update when you can.
DS2010 chapter 15 . 11/10/2016
Now that is a connection at the end!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/9/2016
Is flat out mind boggling stupid part of your plotting device? NCIS is located in the Navy Yard, a VERY SECURE facility. You don't get in there EVER without proper, acceptable, verifiable ID, and you have to actually have business there, so your "mysterious woman collapses in the office" without ID is just so much sloppy writing and crap. Unless she was Naval, and/or military personnel, she would have been turned over IMMEDIATELY to the FBI. NOT NCIS's problem or jurisdiction. So part two of your crappy plot implodes. Either way, if she got in to the Naval Yard and NCIS HQ she had ID and they knew who she was. Ordinarily I might say try again, but on second thought, DON"T, you've wasted enough electrons already.
Cassandra30 chapter 14 . 11/9/2016
This is a terrific story! I hope Gibbs and Company nail the bas####s!
Cassandra30 chapter 13 . 11/9/2016
Superb story!
DS2010 chapter 13 . 11/7/2016
Wow found the room Marissa was kept in ... great find Tim
DS2010 chapter 8 . 11/6/2016
Damn I hope they get the husband
Cassandra30 chapter 11 . 8/20/2015
Yippee! Got him!

I am so looking forward to reading the rest of this story!
Cassandra30 chapter 10 . 8/20/2015
Kelly's reaction cannot be manufactured. She is terrified of the that man. That is enough evidence there plus Marrissa's medical records from Bethesda to open a huge pile of worms.
Cassandra30 chapter 9 . 8/20/2015
Way to go, Gibbs! Can she identify any of the other men that came there?
Cassandra30 chapter 8 . 8/20/2015
Really good!
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