Reviews for Picking Up The Pieces: Sequel to Bridges
ulrachols chapter 41 . 5/12
why Ron is not in prison. he raped and tried to rape. seriously it's funny. if there was someone else he would be in prison. lol it's hypocrisy.

why is he unpunished? is forged law. where justice. harry potter was supposed to be the brother of hermione and what forgives the rapist. there is no happy ending. potter should be wound up, he is hypocrite.

such things spoil the taste in the mouth. draco in prison for watching.

Ron was not punished. it's not normal. whether friendship does lawlessness.

potter is the author and does shit. I'm not surprised that I don't like him.
ulrachols chapter 22 . 5/12
I hope Ron will go to jail.
KimbleDramione chapter 41 . 10/7/2019
Love this whole storya perfect sequel to Bridges. If the one shot challenge is still open, I may write oneI used to be serenarian1 but these days KimbleDramione. Awesome job, Jazzy!
Blue Luver5000 chapter 41 . 7/30/2019
Wonderful story, I am so grateful to have found it so long ago!
roseknickersss chapter 14 . 7/1/2019
It's so his daughter! Ugh, from the first time I saw the name Sophia in this story, I knew it was Hermione & Draco's daughter and it so doesn't help that Sophia is one of my absolute favorite names and totally what I would expect Hermione to name her daughter. I love this, I love that he's going to learn the love of a father, I'm so excited to keep reading...I may just do it all day at work :)
roseknickersss chapter 12 . 7/1/2019
I just finished Bridges, and against all of my willpower and self control (I have things to do in reality!), I went right on to reading this sequel. Your writing is really amazing - I know it's fanfiction and the characters have been handed to you, and judging by your author's notes you sometimes worry they are too OOC, but the way you develop them and describe them makes me feel like I'm reading a continuation of J.K. Rowling's writing, still in the world of Harry Potter. Your description is incredible, and very similar (I can tell she influenced your writing), so much so that the last chapter, I felt like I was watching a Quidditch match and totally forgot this was a Dramione... I was content to just sit there and read Sophia and Landen's drama. I definitely read some of your stories years ago, but I just returned to this site after a 5 year hiatus and was lucky enough to have you favorited as writer so I was able to find something quickly to pull me back into this world and inspire my own writing yet again... so thank you for the entertainment and the inspiration, keep creating worlds :)
Guest chapter 40 . 6/1/2019
I am soooooo happyyyy you are back and updating again and awwww! I am just so happy!
Hsinsuat chapter 40 . 4/12/2019
Oh my gosh. I just read both stories in 2 days! I loved them both and i hope this isn’t the end for the sequel! Thanks for this amazing read.
Yesdnyl87 chapter 40 . 4/9/2019
YAYYYYYYY! Thank you so much for coming back and working on this story some more! I loved this!
Blue Luver5000 chapter 40 . 4/8/2019
Wonderful chapter! I am happy for them!
Divess chapter 40 . 4/8/2019
Nice twist. I kinda guessed about Soph but Hermione was a surprise. Mazel to all.
Guest chapter 40 . 4/7/2019
Loved this
morganvleeee chapter 39 . 3/31/2019
Honestly I get so happy when I see this story has been updated, keep up the good work!
ViolaPearl chapter 39 . 3/31/2019
Lovely to have you back here. I definitely feel like I need to reread both Bridges and Picking Up The Pieces again!
Divess chapter 39 . 3/28/2019
Welcome back! I'll have to go back some to refresh my memory, but this chapter jogged my memory enough to remember what has gone on before. I hope Draco doesn't have to hex Ron at some point. Then again, maybe I do. LOL.

Hope all is well. Glad you are back.
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