Reviews for ET ExtraTerrestrial
Gaming Ultra chapter 1 . 5/18
This is so fun to read I'm enjoying it so much
Cybertimelord chapter 1 . 5/18
Simply an amazing story loving it
Ms.Culture chapter 40 . 4/11/2018
It took me only 3 days to read all of Doclivia Saga (binge reading). First thing I have to say is: Oh My God! I love it!. The ups and downs where like sometimes I was Olivia. Crying and squealing in her sorrow or happiness. And don't even begin about River. I was so sure that Olivia-Doctor ship was going to sink, and I was so in despair with it. Olivia was and is a to a likable character to love. And The Doctor's insecurity is a nice and realistic touch.

The use of grammar and space between the text are good and makes it easy to read.
Even with my dyslexia, it doesn't hinder my ability to read it. Yours describes of new (alien) worlds/time are beautifully done. Even I, that never seen an episode of Doctor Who, can easily understand and follow the flow of the story.

I really enjoy your own twists and turns in the stories. Also the different AU!Doctor was a nice surprise. I'm so glad I found and read your stories. Your Doclivia Saga will now forever have a part of my heart. Keep up your great writing! I hope to see Doclivia Saga to conidue as long as it can.
CarpeDiemMay chapter 38 . 11/27/2015
I love this! I've been wondering since the Darlek Asylum how you were going to explain how Clara was there in the Darlek if you weren't going to include Clara into the story. This certainly did explain soo much. I can't wait for the next chapter!
thetaisthedoctor chapter 37 . 8/23/2015
Loved it! And poor Doctor! Losing Olivia like that!
thetaisthedoctor chapter 35 . 7/10/2015
I'm really liking the interactions between Olivia and Scotty! Great job!
thetaisthedoctor chapter 33 . 6/20/2015
Love it! Doesn't matter that he's not her Doctor, Olivia will put him in his place!
thetaisthedoctor chapter 31 . 6/16/2015
I don't know why Capaldi's Doctor is so sad but I want to find out now! Great chapter!
thetaisthedoctor chapter 30 . 6/14/2015
Awesome chapter!
thetaisthedoctor chapter 28 . 5/13/2015
Love protective Doctor!
thetaisthedoctor chapter 27 . 4/21/2015
I LOVE it when the Doctor gets all protective! Great chapter!
thetaisthedoctor chapter 26 . 3/26/2015
It's been so long! Great chapter!
thetaisthedoctor chapter 25 . 1/9/2015
Love! Please update soon!
thetaisthedoctor chapter 22 . 11/22/2014
You have to update this story soon, please! I've been following Oliva and the Doctor since January, and I love it so much that I'm starting to get their adventures mixed up with the actual series!
I just want to say how I love how you did the 50th. It made me laugh how Oliva reacted to three Doctors. I also LOVE how the Doctor is Benedict Cumberbatch is the Doctor! I hope that Moffat has him in mind for the future.
You are an amazing author and I hope that you can update this story soon!
Ai Uchiha chapter 22 . 9/24/2014
Please make another chapter,it is really good.
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