Reviews for Journey's Beginning
azulkan2 chapter 17 . 2/8/2019
Great story. Will follow it hoping you get back to it some day. Love Rose and 9 together.
Phantom's Angel 1987 chapter 17 . 6/27/2016
love it! you should continue it.
astarte-lydianna chapter 17 . 12/8/2015
Well I really enjoyed this story so far. I hope one day you find time to continue it.
Dunno12345 chapter 10 . 8/31/2015
Im not wanting to cry. Pfft, no. I'm fine, honestly! Personally, I prefer her with Ten's look, but my gosh, this is brilliant and I love it.
narnian23 chapter 17 . 6/28/2015
*happy dancing about the update* I haven't been reading many stories lately (and haven't attempted writing in even longer-so don't doubt I will happily be as patient as necessary for you to write these excellent stories), so this was a lovely surprise!

I love love love how you addressed the aftermath of their fight. So very in character for Nine to be silent, and working through a thousand things in his head. And so wonderfully mature of Rose to be aware of this and able to reflect on their new circumstances in an effort to move forward rather than veering in to a sulky hurt. Of course, as far as I can recall you always write Rose as more mature than she was in season one (naturally, as this story takes place in that future), but that is one of the many reasons I like you. In that regard, I am always interested when you add in a line about Rose being aware of how the Doctor is likely less than thrilled or impressed by something revealed about her current life, and for a moment I can see the wheels turn while she processes how to handle the moment.

The taking of Rose's hand was a really great moment for me. I really like how they seem to be in a place where the undercurrent of their partnership (romantically and otherwise lovingly-I can't come up with a word at the moment) is a driving force, and the physicality comes instinctively and is a reminder that their tentativeness with reestablishing communication and understanding will be worth working through. I also feel like the tackle could have been a reversed moment from season one, with Nine becoming transfixed by an unexpected alien and Rose not necessarily flinging herself at him, but remaining focused if anxious about their original target.

The audacious cyclist. Can I just say that stuck out to me, because I live in a rural area with some very narrow, winding roads through the woods and my major pet peeve is when people ride bikes on those roads. Too many uphill curves with no shoulders, not enough visibility to be sharing the road. But moving on.

Love the Mickey mention! It seems natural that he would have been the one to teach Rose how to drive. For a minute I debated whether or not I might have thought Pete would be the one, but I'm pretty firmly on board with it being Mickey. I like Mickey a lot, so I'm always happy when he gets positive attention and the Doctor's respect certainly goes a long way in that respect.

Interesting to see what happens between the Doctor and Emmanuel. Normally I sympathize with characters like Emmanuel, who always seem to be doing no more than honestly trying to do their jobs as well as possible within the established rules and procedures, but are frustratingly foiled by the hero who gets to sweep through being special. And yet I love the Ninth Doctor so much I'm in danger of mentally telling Emmanuel to shut up and sit down.

I'm sure I'll have more thoughts as soon as I hit 'post,' but this is what I have processed now :)
Blue Stone Shining Wolf chapter 17 . 6/25/2015
So my computer signed me out without knowing it. And the review below by "guest" is me.

So I thought I'd add that the Saber Toothed Cat is my one of my favorite prehistoric animals - partly because I am a cat (wild or otherwise) lover and partly because most of their fossils were found close to where I live. So it is fun to see one in this story. How funny that future man decides to bring them back from extinction. Very much like Jurassic park.
Guest chapter 17 . 6/25/2015
Take whatever time you need. What you deliver is always worth the wait!

I like the thought of Rose racing through the city. In the first episode, she is being driven by Mickey, so this is yet another show of her maturity and growth. I love this glimpse of Rose and her collegues in the life she leads now. I also like how this whole chapter, starting with this interaction, keeps itself as fast paced as the search itself.

And…then we get the interruption by the Doctor reminding Rose and the reader that all is not the same. Things are different than it was before he arrived and things are different with the two of them than they were when they got separated. But his approving comment on her abilities and her confirmation that they make a good team is a sign that things are moving in a positive direction.
I love that they temporarily forget the rest of the world in the midst of their short conversation, having to be interrupted by wireless to be reminded!

Doesn’t surprise me that the cat is on the rooftops, my little domestics can jump and scale heights quite quickly. Though the thought of a prehistoric big cat doing so creates quite the image.
It cracks me up that Mickey taught her how to drive, or at least how to drive in a high-speed chase environment. And I love the teasing about the driving.

How wonderful that you add that Mickey told Rose about the Doctor’s conversation after the Slitheen encounter. So Rose knew the Doctor had more respect and affection for Mickey than he had let on.
Having the police interfere would be such a nightmare! And as exciting as the scene is on its own right, the Doctor taking Rose’s hand is even moreso thrilling. That they both fall into step with each other so easily leads me to believe that, tough though it may be, they will be able to find a new rhythm and relationship in Pete’s World.

Her encounter with another Visitor like the one held in Torchwood is very eerie and surreal. It is interrupted by the Doctor practically tackling her in a rush to save her – their concern afterward for each other. And, as always, the Doctor’s concern takes on the form of a complaint and mild criticism. And Rose’s introspection about his sentiment is great. She also knows he is downplaying his own injuries.

Of course, once the animal is found, the Doctor has peppermint. Makes me wonder just how much his stashed in those trans-dimensional pockets.

Yeah the Doctor and Emmanuel seem to be butting heads. And since this version of the Doctor has no trouble speaking his displeasure things could be interesting at Torchwood.

So this is yet another great chapter. It is very exciting and the introspection is paced well throughout. I am very intrigued by the visitor that was able to almost mesmerize Rose and exited to see how these pieces all fit together. I think that working together on this (these?) cases is the best scenario for Rose and the Doctor to find their way together.
Magali chapter 17 . 6/15/2015
Well, that was one hell of an expedition and adventure. I wonder what will happen to the alien animal? I mean, if there's not owner around and no ship to send her back, she'll be unhappy in the cells/jails where Torchwood would surely place her.

Ha, imagine if the alien pet gets all friendly with Jackie and Rose and they insist on taking care of her until they can send her where she belongs... the Doctor won't be happy. I mean, it's one thing to save an alien pet, it's another to live with some kind OF CAT!

On another hand, yeah, I get that there will be problems between the Doctor and Emmanuel.
Randomcat1832 chapter 17 . 6/14/2015
"Yeah, well, he's not an idiot ... think we established that a while ago."
Ohh lovely. Despite not being a big fan of Mickey (it took me until Series 2 to really gain respect for him, not that I ever detested the guy either) it always makes me happy to see him referenced. It also makes sense, when I think about it, that Rose will probably be missing Mickey very much now he's gone to stay in the original universe. Seeing as he was one of the few ties she had to home in Pete's World before the meta-crisis, I realise it would probably be a little strange for her to be without him. It's the second time Rose has lost him. And seeing her defend him like that was very sweet, very true to her character, and very realistic given how he's proved himself by now. (Though I will always have a soft spot for the Doctor's nickname for him).

"Can it have survived?" "Could be, it's a cat."
Oh, such typical Nine. And yes, my heart warmed when the Doctor took her hand like that. I feel like that's another typical Nine thing, once in a while he'll show these little signs of affection (like taking Rose's hand) and it'll just say so much about their relationship, without putting in any dialogue about it. I do believe that even though it totally went against his much darker personality, in a weird way Nine was more obvious about his affections for Rose. Ten might have been the playful flirt but with the leather-clad Time Lord it was these wordless little solemn moments, probably involuntary too, like when he takes her hand at the end of "The End of the World." That scene, and the one that follows is one of my favourites between Nine and Rose. But I'm rambling now.
It unfortunately strikes me as very typical of police action to shoot at an unknown alien (or Visitor, I should say) specimen running wild through the streets, even if that specimen might be harmless, no matter the country and no matter the universe. We saw that proved when the UNIT soldiers killed that pig in "Aliens of London." The idea of people in the future bringing back extinct species is an interesting one, especially seeing as in modern science they're considering it's possible to bring back the woolly mammoth. Seeing the Doctor comforting the tiger was a sweet moment indeed, as you know I've always loved his more tender moments and this one seemed just typical of him. The casually carrying around of peppermint seems to be a trait I'd more readily attribute to Ten or Eleven, but it works for this incarnation of the Time Lord as well.

Overall, lovely work as usual; I totally understand life getting in the way of updates but I'll look forward to the next. Take your time with them, don't worry - the wait is worth it.
Dreamcatcher56 chapter 17 . 6/14/2015
excellent update...have a feeling the discussion of Rose's dimension hopping is not over...agree that Emmanuel and the Doctor will have many more tense moments between them in the future.
Aethelflaed17 chapter 4 . 6/10/2015
I am rereading this story and their romance really reminds me of a song by Lady Antebellum. "Just a Kiss Goodnight." Anyway, I am really enjoying this the second time through.
EclecticKnight88 chapter 1 . 5/17/2015
It's cruel to me! Great chapter all the same
Blue Stone Shining Wolf chapter 16 . 4/27/2015
Wow! This is a powerful chapter. There is development of both the alien (or rather, Visitor) issue and also some important issues relating to the development of the Doctor and Rose’s new beginning.
Things are feeling ominous after the incident with the visitor. That the warning could be for another of him somewhere in Torchwood Tower. The Doctor takes charge like he always does, which must be a little shocking to those not used to him and I love his line “You wanted my help. This is me helping.” It is so him with his attitude.
Pete is amazing. He really does have quite a lot of trust in Rose. It is hard to wrap one’s mind around regeneration, even Rose had issues and she saw it happen in front of her the first time. Depending on when Jackie explained things, he can’t have had more than a day or so to internalize it. This is not the Doctor he met and it is not just his face that is different. Nonetheless, he gives the Doctor full access to everything at Rose’s endorsement. The gesture of touching the Tardis key and Rose’s ponderings are powerful. Once again what the trust, admiration, and whatever else this pair feels about each other is unspoken, but known.
I love the picture of Rose almost believing she could see the wheels turn. I have someone in my life for whom this is true and it is fun to wait and watch as conclusions are computed and communicated. Elizabeth, meanwhile, finds it disconcerting as the IT person to watch someone come in and sort of take over for a moment, but she soon is amazed. And Rose, for whom having the Doctor back is still so new, is not taking anything for granted – not one gesture or facial expression. She was always observant in the past, so it is not surprising she picks up on a look that no one else does.
Though just a list, you describe the Doctor’s face well here and the corresponding meaning. It is very easy to see this progression. I can also hear and see as if it were acted in front of me the way he says “No,”
In the midst of all of this, there is a sabre-tooth tiger attack! You can feel how busy Torchwood must always be, but I also wonder if the incidents are somehow connected.
And with everything gone, the tension grows. Rose instantly picks up on this, and again I love how you show it. I can see the posture and the look from your description and it a look I would not want to be receiving But Rose is made of stronger stuff than I am, and even with the coldness of her tone, she does not recoil.
The biting sarcasm in his tone is spot-on here and tension rising. I was instantly reminded of “Father’s Day.”
Rose is feeling offended and hurt. She had made a hard choice that was not easy on her and the Doctor shows no appreciation. Your description of the process is fascinating and terrifying, and would explain his reaction. And it is also fascinating to think it was the background radiation that preserved her. But it comes down to more than the process for the Doctor. It was all about Rose. “I could save the world but loose you.”
His less than mushy response after her sad explanation is very fitting him. At least they sort that to a point before they must get back into action.
I have to say that this is one of my favorite chapters so far. The emotion is tangible and somehow in the anger and tension you can feel an underlying tenderness. The Doctor and Rose have some healing to do, but it seems that the path to do so has been laid. At the same time the action part is getting more exciting. I look forward to what lies ahead!
Randomcat1832 chapter 16 . 4/26/2015
As usual, more lovely writing from you. I really think you highlighted the emotions both the Doctor and Rose feel about their situation. And it's something that makes perfect sense. Especially since this version of the metacrisis is Nine, and has Nine's personality, he would do what Nine does best - turn his grief into anger.

And Rose's defensiveness was well portrayed too. She hasn't had to deal with this version of her Doctor for a long time now. Of course it's jarring for her, having to deal with him the way he is now, when she got used to Ten and has changed so much herself.

And eager for more plot advancement, too! :D

I apologize by the way for the short review ... and for its lateness ... I actually read it a while back on my phone but never had the time to actually post my review then, because it was kind of backstage during play rehearsal...
narnian23 chapter 16 . 4/13/2015
Ok, random comment first: I just now processed the fact that the picture for this story isn't the original portrait, but a photoshopped version. And I really like it! Much as I love Rose, her fashion choices were not really to my taste and I much prefer the more mature hairstyle you/the artist chose to use here. Plus, why not have a happy Rose?

Moving on: I’m very glad you slipped in that line where Nine reminds himself that he is human now. It seems very in character that despite the progress he has made adjusting up to this point, he still has a long way to go and any chance to be the superior being in the room is going to bring out the Time Lord traits more strongly. And the way Nine worked through analyzing what he knew about the creature and how to protect his companions was very canon Time Lord as far as I’m concerned.

Lovely moment between Pete and Rose! I think you are doing well working in Pete, making him a flushed out character rather than a prop. The readiness with which he has come to trust Rose completely is a very nice nod to Father’s Day. I personally like to think that in either universe Pete was a genuinely trusting guy, though in Rose’s original universe that trust lead him to believe in unlikely schemes whereas in the parallel universe it feed the excellent judgment that enabled him to become the director of Torchwood. And in the case of this story I think I’m inclined to imagine that Pete feels a strong inclination to trust metaNine, but the absolute gravity of that choice and the responsibilities along with it are forcing him to take things as slowly as possible under the circumstances.

I’m liking Elizabeth more this chapter. Not that I disliked her before, but I didn’t pay her much mind when she was first introduced. But she is growing on me and now I’m much more interested in seeing what becomes of her.

The confrontation: right off the bat I love how Rose feels uncomfortable while Nine is watching her, that she is so in tune with him. And everything from there is just brilliant. “Righteous” is a great word for Nine’s anger, and Rose being especially defensive on account of feeling wounded hit the mark perfectly. I think this is the first fic I’ve come across that addresses the scale of the risk Rose took—that if the Doctor and the Tardis couldn’t safely make the journey, why did us viewers so easily accept that Rose managed? And you’ve given me something to think about in regards to how Nine would have acted differently than Ten did at the of Doomsday. I’ve read and come to mostly agree with someone’s thoughts (it might have been a tumblr thing, I don’t actually recall) about how Ten, though distraught, was firm in his acceptance of the fact that he couldn’t get to Rose’s new universe without destroying everything. In comparison it was suggested that Nine would have been much less passive, and taken many more risks to return to Rose because the dynamic between Nine and Rose was more passionate than that between Ten and Rose. I generally liked this thought, but then again would Nine have brought himself to risk doing incredible damage to any or all of the parallel worlds if his failure could have destroyed Rose’s new home and killed her along with it?

Brilliant as always :)
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