Reviews for Mad World
geek-it-out chapter 33 . 3/16/2016
I don't review every story I read, only when the mood strikes me. In regards to this story I have been on both sides and neither is easy. My best friend growing up was a self-harmer and I didn't understand how someone could do something like that to themselves and the people who cared about them - not until I had done it myself. Physical pain for some people is much easier to deal with because it eventually heals and provides the release you need at that moment which is typically what people don't understand. It's not that you are trying to kill yourself or get attention, although in some cases I suppose you could argue that attention is what people are craving when they do it. But I can tell you from a personal standpoint that it is to simply find a way to relieve yourself of the deep anguish you are feeling, a way to feel like you have some control over yourself and your life, a way to let out all the pain and know that it will eventually heal. And even though I knew self-harm was not the answer it didn't matter because for a while it did make me feel better. I was lucky I had people who cared enough to force me into talking about how I felt when it finally got out of hand. Not everyone has that, though writing has always helped me. Not that I write much now but anyway I appreciate the way you wrote this and took the time to do the research as someone who has experienced both sides.
Cissa-Lycoris-Black chapter 33 . 11/7/2014
Excellent! I really enjoyed reading it.
Guest chapter 33 . 9/27/2014
Loved this story! Sad to see it end, but also relieved bc it was painful to watch them both struggle so much. Thank you for writing about this issue!
Moonlight3189 chapter 33 . 9/28/2014
I really like this story. Thank you very much!
Heady chapter 1 . 9/27/2014
It never bodes well for a story when there is a typo in the synopsis. Fix it.
jh728 chapter 33 . 9/27/2014
Nicely done. A very intense and painful journey. Recovery will be another journey.
Thanks for the read.
jh728 chapter 32 . 9/27/2014
Finally. The important first step.
Thanks for the read.
MMAD about SVU chapter 31 . 9/22/2014
I love this story so much, and I loved seeing it updated. It's so powerful and it speaks such volumes. I hope it all works out for them both.
jh728 chapter 31 . 9/22/2014
Heart wrenching. I hope she takes the steps to getting help.
Thanks for the read.
Guest chapter 30 . 9/14/2014
jh728 chapter 30 . 9/5/2014
This is so hard for Miranda. I hope they can find their way through.
Thanks for the read.
StreeperForever chapter 28 . 7/18/2014
Oh My Gosh. This last chapter hurt my feels so bad! It was amazing though! I'm loving your story so far!
Guest chapter 28 . 7/17/2014
Way to make me cry. Great chapter
jh728 chapter 28 . 7/17/2014
I hope Andy gets professional help and finds her way back.
Thanks for the read.
Moonlight3189 chapter 28 . 7/17/2014
Poor Miranda. Andy need to fix it.
Great story!
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