Reviews for Black Sails and a Yellow Muslin Dress
onhiatusfromnowon chapter 1 . 10/8/2019
This is a lovely story, very well written.
sobela chapter 41 . 3/10/2019
A very good chapter to end this story on and I hope things workout for Cathy. _~
I enjoyed the story very much and will be reading more of ur story's again soon I'm just busy..and will do better about reviewing what I read lol. _'
Squintz18 chapter 41 . 3/9/2019
So it is complete! I very much enjoyed this story, but I think it ended on a good note. Very well done! :D
sobela chapter 35 . 7/3/2017
Well finally after hearing this was going to be a very sad story and not the better black sails story I had hoped I've finished reading and I really wish I could say I 100% love the just was not what I thought it would be..I'm sorry I know it's a drama fic so there will be some but this was just to much like the tv show..which was ok but I did not like it that much or Vane dying. -_-,
Yes I know people die all the time in real life that's y I love fan fic's u can be some where a little less sad for a while lol.._'
So I had hopped to find a fic where Vane maybe lives or something like that.
I still feel ur a very good writer and I've heard some of ur other story's r very good.
I may check them out and even though I did not love this story it was pretty well written I thought.
I really liked ur Cathy very much.
I just need to read the ending next time which I know it ruins a story but seeing as I suck at not getting all silly about little things it's best..I would just stay away from dramas but they r not always so bad lol so ja I know i suck. _'
All the same thank u for the story and I hope to read and love some of ur other story's.. maybe u can recommend one?
I hear the story To Love a Borgia was very good.
sobela chapter 17 . 6/16/2017
Well I liked the smexy part of the story there could have been more added to make it longer but all in all it was really good. _ u said u can't write smex scene but I liked it.
It really felt a lot less like a..well I don't know what to call the feeling but this was better lol ty I really should have just kept reading _'..kind of wish it had been Charles but I guess things r not going so well between them really wonder where things r going with this story.
Thought it would be mostly about Catherine and Charles..which never mind it pretty much is just so much going on lol don't really know how it's going to go. -_-,
Plus I jumped a few chapters so I really need to backtrack I think sorry. _'
Please don't misunderstand me I like it just need to go back read and then keep going yay ty for posting. _
sobela chapter 3 . 6/11/2017
ok chapter guess we won't find out how her date goes big shocker there lol
sobela chapter 2 . 6/9/2017
lol the last part of the chapter was going well but the cut off before they got back to his tent ...ja kind of disappoints
Squintz18 chapter 31 . 3/21/2016
That was a good chapter despite the fact that Vane died. He will be sorely missed. I loved Zach McGowan's portrayal as the notorious pirate. Now, I'm very curious as to what happens to Cathy. I hope she finds her happiness in the end no matter whose arms she ultimately falls into. Can't wait to read more from you soon!
Squintz18 chapter 30 . 3/18/2016
This is probably one of the best Black Sails fan fiction I have encountered. So, thank you for writing an awesome story. I hope you continue with this because I'm curious to see what happens with Cathy. Looking forward to reading more soon!
Lacontreras chapter 29 . 1/14/2016
I read this from the beginning and loved it! I wish I knew the tv show so I could understand a little more but so far you've told us enough about everyone that I can figure out what's going on! I'm now officially hooked on your story, please continue! Can't wait to see what happens to Cathy next, she is great! Just wonder how these women manage to not get pregnant?
TishaLiz chapter 25 . 10/12/2015
In giving credit to this very well written Vane/OC story.
E.S.Kent chapter 22 . 5/27/2015
I'm so so so sorry I haven't reviewed lately :( I hope you update again soon though :) and I'm glad you put some Silver sexy time in there too! I'd like to see more Charles and Cathy talkingn about feelings or something like that :) or you Cathy could jump on Billy's bones :P (unless that would make her look like a slut...Cathys cooler than that..) I really do hope you update though :)
aucun compte chapter 21 . 4/6/2015
Great chapter, great story!
visitor chapter 21 . 4/2/2015
Any new chapters coming up?
Jo A Curl chapter 21 . 3/14/2015
Great chapter! The tension is perfect, the dualty and multi faceted characters are as usual wonderful, and you left me wanting more.
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