Reviews for Young Volcanoes
ItStartsWithZ chapter 1 . 3/29/2016
Cheesy and fast paced. Loved your 1827 pair!
Yenaya chapter 1 . 12/14/2014
So cute :) it's a little sad though
animangadeek0624 chapter 1 . 10/8/2014
WOOOHOOOOOO I'm bing reading fanfics and gyahaha I'm stalking you if you haven't noticed yet. This hWales my heart from Escapism. Fuck, that fic hurts where the sun does not shine. Btw, ur 1827 fics are sexy.
ezcap1st chapter 1 . 7/10/2014
All the song references, aha. The FOB video was super disturbing, so the contrast between this piece and that is quite stark. Anyway, great fic!
NatRipper chapter 1 . 4/21/2014
That was amazing. Simply amazing. Like, super duper awesomely good.
Fate Camiswhil chapter 1 . 2/22/2014
Oh, my God! let me give you review even though it's not worth much...XD

this was just great! Jaw-dropping! Bravo-to the extreme! haha, but really, I love you, Author-san!

please write more stuffs like this! and thank you for such a wonderful read!
MyWeirdoEyes chapter 1 . 2/16/2014
I'm not really sure why I like this as much as I do. I'm not even sure why I read this. I don't even like the pairing. I never ever read this pairing. And yet I somehow ended up reading it. And I love the story I truly do. But I can't lay my finger on what it is that makes me like the story as much as I do. You did a great job on it. Maybe it's just me but to me the story really flowed. It felt smooth and in its own way tender. Which is rather hard when working with a homeless person and drugs use. Even if the drugs weren't an important part of the story the idea of it alone immediately roughens up a story. So yes,I think you did brilliantly on this.
Cool Guest chapter 1 . 2/11/2014
Oh that was good! Better than good, why didn't I expect such goodness from you?! I love this too much excellent job! Love, love, love i am so overwhelmed with fluff and cheese right now omg!
GreenDrkness chapter 1 . 2/7/2014
That was actually quite cheesy and well I love cheesy especially on nachos-
Love the story
Keep on the writes
Rikka-tan chapter 1 . 2/7/2014
I'm wondering who was older between the two, also it it a oneshot or multichapter?
Anyway, I'm loving your AU. Actually, can I just say I'm a fan of your 1827? XD
happygolucky27 chapter 1 . 2/6/2014
Love it ,it is soooo cute XD I look forward to more in the bear future!
AniManGa19930 chapter 1 . 2/6/2014
i really like their first barely there and there relationship and the start of the called relationship uehehe the way you described everything is also very well done. good job!