Reviews for Zero no Tsukaima: Saito the Onmyoji
name the missing chapter 26 . 15h
Thx I really enjoyed the chapter
Guest chapter 22 . 7/12
22 chapters in... when do we get to the romance?
Tdog Smith chapter 26 . 7/10
I really like this story I hope you make more chapters of it.
DanDrake chapter 26 . 7/2
Great story keep up the good work
animx11 chapter 26 . 6/20
Very good fanfic, can't wait for more.
Fullwidth Solidus chapter 16 . 6/17
Oh my god, I just got it. Johan is a Yugioh GX reference.
Uzushiogakure chapter 26 . 6/9
Poor Henrietta.
Uzushiogakure chapter 22 . 6/8
Poor Tabitha truly being strong yet not strong enough to protect her loved ones must be quite torturous for her.
Uzushiogakure chapter 16 . 6/8
Well this was not really unexpected I figured others from Saito's world would make it to this world eventually to make things more challenging since apparently this world magicals are so weak and primitive.

The whole stagnated magical system that has been a part of multiple story World building has never made sense to me because it's honestly nonsensical I mean it's magic why in the hell would it be stagnant? Humans as a whole have always produce those among them who were ambitious and power-hungry and when you have magical humans running around there's no way in hell they would be stagnant their would always be those who are going to push their understanding and knowledge of magic to its limits to become as powerful as they can so that they can stand above everybody else because when it comes to humans (or I guess magical humanoids as I consider born witches and wizards) always those who want to be the biggest monkey on the hill with all the other monkeys beneath them so stagnant magical system seems improbable if not impossible to me as a concept unless d stagnation is maintained in a violent and oppressive way. There would always be new spells and enchantments and whatever other magical artifact or something being invented by multiple people if for no other reason than to distinguish themselves from everybody else as being greater than those around them or for some convenience or something else because people always want to make things more convenient. But I suppose such a thing does fit into this world after all they have elves who despite wielding powerful and complex magic apparently like imagination despite being a well cultured species and so they apparently can't use their magic to it's full capabilities because they can't imagine various ways in which to use it which honestly makes no kind of sense to me but it's a thing of this World but that's par for the course I suppose humans always have to stand out in some supposedly unique way even when they're outclassed or should be in every way by a superior species they always have to have some ridiculous drawback so that humans can overcome them, sigh.

Saito sure the Hippocrates in this chapter though, he told Johan how they have no right to pass judgment on the measures of this world because it's not there is any whatever and yet he's been doing nothing but passed judgment on the measures of this world and their society as a whole since he got to this world.

Anywho I suppose this whole event may have some unintended positive consequences after all seeing how apparently primitive their magic is and how outclassed they are against the Mages from Another World perhaps this will push them to finally start innovating there magic themselves. And also they should be Vigilant of magical and nonmagical alike coming into their world from other ones and making a mess of things.

Still though Saito did well here against a more powerful and experience sorcerer that seems to be quite used to fighting and killing fellow Mages.
Uzushiogakure chapter 12 . 6/8
Sounds like these True Dragons are the only ones with any real sense.
Uzushiogakure chapter 11 . 6/7
These demon and Yokai are pretty stupid I mean binding themselves to a pathetic human in hopes of getting stronger just a freaking weak are they? It's no wonder they could never live up to the most powerful of their ancestors were never stupid enough and pathetic enough to bind themselves to a human of all things in hopes of getting stronger that whole concept makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. And then being stupid enough to limit their life span to that of a human is even more ridiculous I guess these two familiars of his truly are proof that with age does not comes wisdom.
Uzushiogakure chapter 8 . 6/7
Yup kidnapping princesses and other Nobles for ransom would be par for the course for this world the same way kidnapping presidents or prime ministers or other Nobles and wealthy people in his society would be par for the course in his world. Your Saito is quite self-righteous semen to focus on how primitive this world is and yet completely disregard the how the very things he's has looking down on as primitive for this world is still just as prevalent in his world as it is in this one that he is now in. And I know for damn sure that men (not all but many) in his world don't really see women any different than men in this world that he's currently in. I wonder if this arrogance of his will bite him in the ass in the end.

Though why do wonder why you have decided to weakened the magic system of Louise's world and add things that aren't a part of it but I'm assuming there's some kind of a point to it rather than simply so excited can continue to moan about how apparently primitive it is compared to the magic system of his world which I'm honestly not seening so far.

Anyway I'm glad he has found his partner, I wonder if you'd be able to channel his magic through Derflinger?
Uzushiogakure chapter 7 . 6/7
Seriously Saito really needs to get off his high horse about how advance and civilize his world is because I'm quite sure that's a load of f****** b******* if his world societal structures share any similarities with ours which I'm pretty sure it does then it isn't that different from this world that he believes to be medieval witch it's actually not it's more modern I guess the best description of fit would be the Victorian era but not medieval and back to my point our world has not changed that much from a medieval Society there are certain changes brought about by the advancements in technology but at the core of our society our civilization it's not any different golden charger merely call different things rather than kings and queens and counts or whatever you could pretty much say that our world as it is now is ruled by the merchant class nothing more we've merely dressed up the ugliness because of course we are more "civilized and enlightened" of course all the while we consider ourselves these things all the same vowel crap that happened in the medieval Society happens today and far worse than it ever did that any other point in history considering we Slaughter more people each day then in any medieval Society and we do it with far less effort after all it's quite easy to fitting a nice comfortable air-conditioned room and press a button and blow up a village full of people in some third world country that don't properly have the might to defend themselves much less fight back but of course we're çcivilized and enlightenedç.
Uzushiogakure chapter 3 . 6/7
Yes add Tiffania.
Uzushiogakure chapter 2 . 6/7
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