Reviews for Raise your hand and speak up Now go stand in the hallway
VelocityRaptor chapter 34 . 9/20/2014
Do something like this again!
NaoQuitcher chapter 32 . 6/29/2014
For all the male character (except for Zhang He) : Please taught Zhang He to become more manly
Coffeeccubus chapter 1 . 6/22/2014
Cao Cao, how much do you love Lady Bian? If she was playable, would you love her to death?
Jiyoon57 chapter 30 . 6/22/2014
Ha! The author got you pretty good, Takasugi! Anyways...

1. For all the female characters: I dare you to get in a free-for-all catfight. You can attack any of the other women and you are also allowed to form alliances. Last girl standing wins!
Axel The Moon chapter 30 . 6/22/2014
Miss me,it been a long time.
1-Has anyone forgot about my OC?you know,Cao Xe,Sun Xel,Lu Xen and Sima ,Lu Xen Join Shu to avenge his father's death by killing Cao Xe,but surprisingly,both Lu Xen and Cao Xe are around Lu Bu level,so they have Lu Bu's strenght,they make a real rival Lu Xen was adopted.
2-I dare Lu bu to have a 1 hour in heaven with Diao Chan.
3-All the cast that are marries,do a 1 hour in heaven with your husban/wife.
4-Someone sing Black Paper Moon.
Fier66 chapter 30 . 6/22/2014
Bah I'm bored, again.
1) Xing Cai, cuddle with Guan Ping in front of Liu Shan and other Shu characters. In a protective barrier.
2) Sun Shang Xiang, kiss Gan Ning and Ling Tong passionately in front of Liu Bei and the rest of your family members. Also in a barrier.
3) Diao Chan, have a yuri s*x with Lu Lingqi in front of Lu Bu. Barrier.
4) Sima Shi, grope Zhang Chunhua's ass in front of your family, specifically Sima Yi. No need for barrier.
5) Zuo Ci, create a harem with all the girls in DW by using your spells and incantations. Since you're awesome.
Random reviewer chapter 29 . 6/21/2014
MISS ME? Muahahahahahahahaha
1: I have a competition. Every guy (except Lu Bu)has to attempt to punch Lu Bu without being killed. :-D
2: if you die, next chapter you have to wear tutus and princess dresses with little flowers on their heads.
3: if you live, you get a special prize that I will reveal next chapter.
Random reviewer chapter 28 . 6/18/2014
I have a thing for food rain, huh.
1:Throw burnt oatmeal cookies at Liu Shan. (he was stupid in history.)
2: Lu Bu, throw cherry pits at Cao Cao
3: Everyone, describe Takasugi in one word. Me: Perverted.
4: Sima Yi, make a smoothie for Cao Cao. (muahahahaha)
5: Ma Chao has to make another ad for Shu, without using benelovence or Justice. (points grenade launcher)
Jiyoon57 chapter 28 . 6/18/2014
I have nothing to say... so I'll just post my questions:

1. For Xing Cai: How does it feel to be a OC? Do you ever wish you were a real person in history?
2. For Lu Linqgi: What would you do to Guan Yinping if she was completely at your mercy?
3. For Jiang Wei: What got you into benevolence?
4. For Guan Ping: Do you have any feelings for Xing Cai?
N-Naruto-kun chapter 28 . 6/18/2014
Sima Zhao! I love you! *hugs*...*cough* Anyway, on to the questions
1:For the characters in Jin, who do you think is stronger in battle, Zhao or Shi? (Go go Zhao! :D)
2:Zhao-zhao, what will you do if some guy decides to take Yuanji from you?
3:I want to hear Sima Zhao's evil laugh too!
4:Zhao-zhao, I found out that you are so different from your historical counterpart! So I dare act like the original,...who was cruel and unforgiving! *blast a burst of data to Sima Zhao* Change! xD
Random Reviewer chapter 27 . 6/16/2014
1: Throw pies at Sima Yi.
2: Force Xu Shu to act like SpongeBob (points bazooka at him)
3: They've never used blenders before, right? In that case, Cao Cao has to make a smoothie.
4: Author, are you a dynasty warrior veteran (played since DW 3 or 4?)
5: Takasugi, why are you so perverted?
Kenjo the Lord of Lightning chapter 27 . 6/16/2014
I have but one suggestion as of now.

To everyone who existed in real life: Have a conversation with yourselves from real life (or since they're dead an Artificial Intelligence of them) and then tell us what you think of yourself.
Fier66 chapter 25 . 6/15/2014
I'm bored, so I'll ask a few questions.
Guan Ping, one of the terribly underrated character in DW7 and 8. You use a great sword, one of the slowest weapon in the game and almost all NPC use that weapon. So I'll ask,
1) If you can change your weapon, what will it be? A reverse grip great sword which is lighter perhaps?
2) How will you act if you're stronger than your father? Because you don't need to impress him anymore, will you still be polite and humble?
3) What will you do if someone decided to date Guan Yinping? Will you go rage mode? Since I think you're the closest to her, based on your interactions with her in Ambition Mode.

Hmm, I dare you to become an overpowered rude but badass warrior that fight only for yourself and your family, not for Shu. Because you will probably never become this in the original game. *Sigh*
Random reviewer chapter 24 . 6/13/2014
1: I want all the guys to do the flop. For an hour.
2: I dare all the girls to get voodoo dolls of all the guys and do as they please.
3: Make it rain meatbuns.
4: I want all the guys to have a singing competition with the most embarrassing songs. EVER.
5: (gives cookie to author)
6: Last one. I dare all the guys to watch Justin Beiber's Never say Never. (Don't worry, I hate the movie too)
Kenjo the Lord of Lightning chapter 24 . 6/10/2014
*Sigh* alright go home guys, I'm done trying this. *The hitmen leave*
And that sucks, because I can think of some interesting questions for Dong Zhuo. Either way, I'll try to avoid asking him from here on out.
And I'm 18... so it's not too creepy that I wanted to marry Yinping.

*Waves beer in front of Zhang Fei's face* what would you do to get this from me?
Zhao Yun, have you ever heard of Kain Highwind? I think you two would have an interesting conversation.
Gan Ning, do you ever miss being a pirate?
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