Reviews for The Game Called (re)Life
goldacharmed chapter 13 . 7/24/2014
What an original and wonderful idea!
AnimeFreak1780 chapter 13 . 5/31/2014
Confusing but yet an interesting consept
AdDicTiOn chapter 13 . 2/18/2014
"Doesn't the view of the ocean look pretty from here?"
"That's not the ocean..."
"Huh? What?"
"That's just the large body of water formed by my tears..." *sobs*
"There, there..." *pats back*

I love it... so heart wrenching though! My BROkoro is shattered... TT_TT
Not so human chapter 13 . 2/18/2014
I really liked that. And I stuck through until the end. Yay! As for the not reading the manga thing. That's okay. That manga is really confusing. Like everything that happens the day the wall broke was all a flashback. Then after Eren swears to destroy all titams it skips forward to them graduating. Then they goof off a little. Then the collossel titan appears again. Then theres fighting. And the first book ends with Eren being eaten. And then the next book is all Mikasa. It reveals her past and she's all depressed at one point. Book two ends with Eren coming out of his titan form and everyone not really knowing whats going on. But then book three starts and Erens being eaten again. And then he turns titan. And shit gets real. And then they try to kill him when he's human agin. And then he tries to plug up the hole. And fails. And then succeeds. And then when he's unconcious it flashbacks to them joining the military and their training. Yeah its really confusing. And I don't like the art style either. Its too crude. Anyway, now I'm rambling about the manga even though it has nothing to do with this. Um this was great. I have to agree that the writing wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst either. It was kknd of in the middle. But I you want to make it better then you should rewrite it. Like leave this one up but write it again. I've seen people do that. You don't have to but if you do then I'll support you. I always find it cool to see the differences between the two. And I'm rambling about nothing again. So yeah, I liked this and everything. Its a great idea. I'm still going along with the idea that they played the game in the next life. A little bummed out that you didn't glimps the next one. I wonder what it was like. Maybe they were still in the military but with reversed roles. That would be funny. Anyway, yeah. Loved it. Gonna miss it. Now I need sleep. I'll keep an eye out for your next work.
Not so human chapter 10 . 2/17/2014
So that was interesting. Didn't even know it was updated until I checked. Duh that was stupid think to write. So Eren's dying. I've just been wondering this. I'm behind on the manga so is all of this coming from your head or is it actual cannon. Just been wondering for a while. Anyway, poor Eren. I feel so bad for him. Dying can't be fun. Not that I would know. But what I'm really looking forward to is that ending. My guess is that in his dying moments after his final transformation he will remember and tell Levi. Then he will dylie and Levi will go apeshit on the titan mother fuckers. Then he will die somehow. And then they will meet in the next life. And they won't have a touching cheesy reunion. There will be no hugs and kisses. That will come later. No thulis time they will see eachother and they will play the game. And neither of them will be able to hide their smirks. That is how I see this story ending. But its your story. I'm just spit balling. But it dies feel like its nearing the end here. So if it is then I hope it has a worthy ending. Update soon.
Not so human chapter 8 . 2/16/2014
Nice chapter. And thank you for the explaination. It was just unclear before. And I have to thank you for this. Its helped me work out something in this book I'm writing. Update soon.
LindyLinn chapter 12 . 2/18/2014
Eren in a wheelchair is sad TT

But it looked like he remembered! So I'm happy
LindyLinn chapter 10 . 2/17/2014
ERENS DYING?! Oh my heart... It hurts
Not so human chapter 7 . 2/15/2014
I feel confusion. I don't like confusion.
LindyLinn chapter 8 . 2/16/2014
That almost makes perfect sense. I really like the idea of this story :)
Not so human chapter 6 . 2/13/2014
I've never seen this take on it. Very interesting. I like it.