Reviews for The Cellist
LA Turner chapter 25 . 6/12/2015
Wow. I am in love with your writing and this story, especially how Anna is her own woman and not just Coulson's girlfriend.
Kassandra J chapter 25 . 9/1/2014
Phil, don't be stupid, get back in there and fix this. You know that Anna is only saying these things because she is upset right now. You have to fight for her if you want to make the relationship work. You can not let Anna be the one who has to do all the fighting and sacrificing, and you need to stop walking away when things get difficult and messy.

Qweb chapter 25 . 9/1/2014
So sad.
Qweb chapter 24 . 8/24/2014
Restless nights for both of them. Better when Phil gets home.
Rinnalaiss chapter 23 . 8/19/2014
I love this chapter! (And this work as a whole!) I think Anna is wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing!
Qweb chapter 23 . 8/17/2014
Personal loyalty. That's what Clint is all about.
Kassandra J chapter 23 . 8/17/2014
Poor Clint, he got a raw deal didn't he? Not the guarding Anna, but the whole SHIELD not trusting him because of Loki situation. I think it rather obvious how much Phil trusts him if he is wanting him to look after Anna. But for Clint to feel that he owes Phil because of everything that went down is just heartbreaking and I am sure that Phil would be the first person to tell him that it wasn't his fault.

Greg Duffy...that is hilarious and I can just see Tony somehow getting a hold of it and calling him that.
Qweb chapter 22 . 8/12/2014
That went well.
Kassandra J chapter 21 . 7/27/2014
I love Phil, I really do. He is such a sweetie and the world would be a better place if there were like a dozen more.

The way that he tried to treat Felix like a dog was hilarious...give him some time and I bet that Phil will have him trained just as good as any service/police dog, maybe even better. And the banter between him and Tony is perfect as always. I can see Phil outdoing Tony by starting a conversation with the sushi master in perfect Japanese just to annoy him.

He and Anna are such a wonderful couple and I love the way that you write them. I am always so happy to see the little update telling me that there is another chapter waiting for me.

I am desperately waiting for next week's chapter.
Kassandra J chapter 20 . 7/22/2014
I am so in love with these two and how you write them. I am so happy to see new chapters every week.

I love the line about Anna wondering about "how much Tony knew about Phil's non-dead status" as I wonder about that too. I mean, with everything that has happened he has to have hacked into the rest of the files and figured out that Phil has been alive all this time. If he hasn't (or at least been suspicious) I would be very surprised.
Kassandra J chapter 19 . 7/12/2014
Poor Phil, I think the hardest obstacle he is going to have is Tony, and not in the sense that Tony is going to try to stop him from putting SHIELD back together, but rather in the sense that he is Tony and just likes to make everything difficult for everyone just because he can. Especially if they have lied to him for a long time.

Update soon...still looking forward to little Coulson babies.
Qweb chapter 19 . 7/12/2014
Reasonable for Tony to be mad. Smart of Phil to let them know Fury is alive. I doubt Maria gave up her job. I think she followed orders going to Stark. Thanks for the story.
Kassandra J chapter 18 . 6/30/2014
Wonderful chapter. I feel heartbroken for Anna that she didn't have even one picture of her son up to this point, that was just really sad.

As for her and Phil, while I am also disappointed that there are no little Coulson's on the way, I am glad that they have not taken the idea completely off of the table. Something tells me that when the year deadline comes, there will be the pitter-patter of tiny secret agent feet.

I can not wait for the next update.
Qweb chapter 18 . 6/30/2014
Love the story. Nice that Anna got to see a pic of her child.
Princess PrettyPants chapter 18 . 6/30/2014
Tony Stark privatized world peace back in Iron Man 2 much to the annoyance of the Senate Committee Hearing.
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