Reviews for All That Jazz
pearlydewdrop chapter 1 . 6/30/2019
Hahaha that was freaking epic! I absolutely adored it! And now I'm over here grinning like nothing eejit. Brilliant! Thanks so much for writing and sharing this :)
slaaneshissexxy chapter 1 . 6/8/2014
So awkward, then awesome, then awkward.
magfreak chapter 1 . 3/13/2014
Hahaha! That was great! I am late reviewing, but it's taken me a while to get through all the V-day stories. I love how practical and honest Sybil tries to be with Sybbie. Cute little drabble!
tammyteresa64 chapter 1 . 2/26/2014
I am dying here. That was hysterical. You have a great sense of humor. I think you should add another chapter :)
The Yankee Countess chapter 1 . 2/25/2014
Still catching up on my fic reading (oh gracious I'm behind on Christmas too, but at least I read and reviewed this one *BEFORE* the month ended) :oP

LOVED THIS! When I received the prompt, I laughed so hard and knew you would be awesome in writing it and it shows! Absolutely hysterical, and very sexy too ;o) and poor Tom. I damaged my sciatic nerve two years ago and it was pure agony, so I can sympathize with the poor man, but on top of all that, him dealing with the embarrassment of Mrs. Hughes and Rose ;o) although I do love how Mrs. Hughes is the go-to person to get for help in such matters (and Sybbie's comments about how much "bigger" her father is compared to Colin)-PRICELESS!
Downton Lover chapter 1 . 2/23/2014
This was such a cute story and I really enjoyed it. Sybbie was great with all of her questions and by the end I was laughing out loud. Poor Tom!
mimijag chapter 1 . 2/22/2014
OMG, I laughed so hard ! thank you
The Irish Chauffeur chapter 1 . 2/20/2014
Absolutely divine this! I missed it, what with Cora deciding how she must confront Robert in HIWTHI and the goings-on with the dis-embarkartion of passengers off the Canterbury for the Rome Express on the quayside at Calais. Hilarious with Tom's back, and suffering from back problems from time to time myself for a VARIETY of reasons, it is indeed excrutiating when it strikes. Sybbie could not have chosen a more inopportune moment to appear in her parents' bedroom, but just as well she did!

All of these takes on Tom and Sybil only serve to reinforce what a feckin (Tom's word could not be more appropriate) waste Fellowes made of our two wonderful characters.

foojules chapter 1 . 2/18/2014
Ha, I was all aglow at the way you write their marriage (mature but still totally romantic and sexy) and then things got hilarious! The sex/back injury hijinks were perfect. Though now I want a flash-forward where a sulky teenage Sybbie is complaining about the first thing she remembers being Da stuck on top of Mama and she’s scarred for life.

I enjoyed everyone’s reaction to jazz, especially the Dowager’s, and Tom getting tetchy about being called a fuddy-duddy. (1920s slang ftw!) Loved the sex ed conversation and how Sybil is so matter-of-fact about the facts of life.
piperholmes chapter 1 . 2/17/2014
This was awesome! I laughed and squealed and smiled and melted! Fantastic job!
mademoiselle.poupee chapter 1 . 2/17/2014
That was so funny! Oh, Sybbie! I love it!
shana.rose chapter 1 . 2/17/2014
Oh god I'm dying XD That ending was hilarious! Loved the story!
skinnycat77 chapter 1 . 2/15/2014
Sweet, sexy and funny! Kids and their darned questions!
Guest reader chapter 1 . 2/15/2014
This was simply marvellous1 Thanks so much!
Duchess chapter 1 . 2/15/2014
This was great - very sweet and funny. Sybbie was just adorable!
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