Reviews for This Kiss
ArwenFairTinuviel chapter 1 . 2/21/2014
Oh! I got so excited by the title! And now I'm all sad and feeling so sorry for poor Severus :( He was adorable, so sweet and hopeful. Typical Avery to go and rub salt in his wound too. You're good at writing tragic Lily/Sev fics. Just watch your punctuation, you need a commas in a few places e.g. "pushing her chest out a bit rocking from side to side." should be "pushing her chest out a bit, rocking from side to side." This was a nice little fic for Valentine's day! I don't know how I missed it, next time tell me when you write a Lily/Sev piece! I don't want to miss out :P
Guest chapter 1 . 2/14/2014
more please :)