Reviews for The (Mis)Adventures of the Musketeers
Justanangryfangirl chapter 3 . 8/29/2018
Thank you! I was kinda upset with the fact they never addressed all that, and not just cause I’m an angsty piece of trash. Very well done.
chantellescribbler chapter 20 . 5/3/2018
Love the stories please continue your Kingdom Comes story too.
chantellescribbler chapter 3 . 5/2/2018
Ahh the brotherhood. I love it need much more.
Hawaiichick chapter 18 . 12/19/2016
What a sweet and wonderful chapter. I love the father/son relationship. Beautiful.
Mysteryfan17 chapter 10 . 10/15/2016
One of my friends used this poem and drew *by hand* the scenes using Kaitou Kid characters. It took her almost a year off and on but she recently uploaded it to YouTube and if you love the poem, give her video a shot.
SheLovesGreenTea chapter 3 . 2/3/2016
I think you need to work on Athos' character a bit more. He's usually the calm,( not saying he can't get angry) moody, stoic type and not the type to get so exasperated easily.
pain in the mikta chapter 20 . 11/27/2015
Excellent insight into that epic scene !
pain in the mikta chapter 11 . 11/27/2015
Awesome !
Honey in the Sunshine chapter 20 . 4/13/2015
This chapter is absolutely gorgeous and heartbreaking! Outstanding, really, very good job! I can't wait for the next one, so far your collection is wonderful! Very good, I love the way you describe your characters, really, and even if I'm not fond of slash, I liked everything all the same :)
MrsShooty chapter 20 . 2/24/2015
Love all of these! This last one was wonderful. Angst, but good angst.
MrsShooty chapter 16 . 2/24/2015
Am catching up with these. Not reviewing each one but wanted to leave a comment to this chapter (16) - one of my faves so far.
MrsShooty chapter 7 . 2/21/2015
Just found these - they're great! Will review properly when I get to the end but wanted to let you know I'm really enjoying them.
Runner043 chapter 20 . 2/15/2015
Poor Athos... he would be doubly grieved, since this is the last chapter.
Runner043 chapter 18 . 2/15/2015
There are so many stories featuring the 4,.. it's nice to see one that includes Treville so much.
Runner043 chapter 17 . 2/14/2015
Love is patient, love is kind... can't go wrong with scripture.
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