Reviews for To Live Is To Choose
Guest chapter 42 . 11/13/2017
Very good job THANKs
Sinca chapter 7 . 9/5/2016
Okay so was Bentham tallying his kills or repenting for them? I love the story. Very unconventional. Kinda giving me anxiety because I can't read it fast enough to satisfy my curiosity. It's great.
kpop1392as chapter 42 . 6/14/2016
Phew, this was an incredible story to read and experience. "To live is to choose hope" I'm going to write that on an index card and hang it up. I'm glad that JJ and Crow were able to go outside, considering how long they were kept in the dark and in confined spaces.
kpop1392as chapter 12 . 6/14/2016
Oh no! Poor JJ. I hope that eventually finds a way to forgive herself and learns to heal. I am enjoying this story.
Hannah chapter 3 . 2/26/2016
I am not exactly following. When was JJ taken and how does the team think this case might lead to her being found
RissaGrace17 chapter 42 . 6/23/2015
Oh my gosh! This was amazing! Going to read the sequel right now!
Scooderr chapter 42 . 5/30/2015
I love this story. It kept me enthralled. It is very original while still keeping the integrity of the show and characters intact. I also am so glad to see the next one up. I am so looking forward to seeing the old JJ merge with the new JJ.
heleni0 chapter 42 . 2/3/2015
So i just spent the last... 3? nights reading this fic (after reading the first few chapters of the sequel because why not lol) and you're a phenomenal writer. I don't even like fics longer than about 20 chapters - i get bored like omg quit dragging it out already - but it was SO good and your chapters are just the right length for me to not want to stab myself in the eye.

Anyway, i think i love you and we should probably marry.
itsoopsbackwards chapter 42 . 1/13/2015
Hi! I just stumbled upon this story and I honestly read the whole thing in less than 2 days. It was such a well written story! I am anxiously looking forward to the next one! xx
reidfan1971 chapter 43 . 1/11/2015
Sweet ! Thanks for the 411... heading to the next one NOW :)
snuggleUP chapter 43 . 1/11/2015
Laura chapter 1 . 1/10/2015
When is the sequel to this bc ohmygod i am dying! pls tell me Crow and Jay get together and live a majorly dysfunctional happily ever after! Its weird because i usually hate oc's with a passion but Crow is amazing and i just want to see him and Jay happy together, i absolutely adore this and you are officially my new favourite person! :-))
Guest chapter 42 . 12/27/2014
I just stayed up till 1 am reading this whole thing. Normally I don't read fanfics cause they never felt realistic to me but this was almost like reading the script of a Criminal Minds episode. The way you captured the characters' personalities is amazing and I held my breath the whole time. I've been stuck in bed sick for a bit and this was totally the highlight of my week. Thanks!
fandomfreak93 chapter 42 . 12/3/2014
I just discovered your story about a week ago and I just finished it! Incredible work! You are so talented! I can't wait for the second half, brilliant job!
FatBoyTorres chapter 42 . 12/1/2014
I started this story 3 days ago and just finished it. It was damn amazing! You're incredible. I'm excited about the next half of the story. I really can't tell you how great this was, I just can't explain it. Just... awesome.
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