Reviews for Looks or Love?
frankieholt chapter 5 . 8/25/2018
this needs a sequel
kushina410 chapter 5 . 3/14/2017
Guest chapter 5 . 4/23/2016
Omg this was so totally depressing
Katemayz chapter 5 . 2/24/2016
I never though that I would be able to see a sad Natsu, but here I am! Crying my eyes out every time I read this.
I never had any experience with any kind of disorder, so I can't say that this is accurate, but I can say that it proyects the feelings so well, it leaves me thinking about what they pass trough every time.
The notebook part was brilliant, and seeing the amount of food he left was really shocking, considering how Natsu is, but it went smothly with the story.
Sorry for making this long but I just really liked this story. It's got so many feeling, that every time I come back to it I end up like a mess.
My best wishes to your storymaking and your life c:
Moyashi130 chapter 5 . 12/19/2015
I really loved your story. It was very emotional. The transition in Natsu is so raw and real. I kind of wish I could see Gray find Natsu's diary. It was an amazing story though! :)
banapples2018 chapter 5 . 8/12/2015
*weeps* So sad, yet so... Beautiful. :') You did I great job~ You have a new fan.
sweetstuff225 chapter 5 . 6/30/2015
By the time I got to the end I had been crying like a baby for almost 20 minutes and had to get up to get tissues several times all the while wanting to hug Natsu and tell him it was okay. So overall, it was amazing :) thank you so much for writing this, it was worth every moment and you're awesome
YoYogiBear chapter 5 . 6/3/2015
this is a good fanfic but something is missing...something important...hmmmm... I think its cuz ...hmmm no I still don't know...DAMMIT WHAT IS IT
DecipherMe333 chapter 5 . 5/12/2015
I have never read a fan fiction like this, and to tell you the truth is was amazing, even if you left out BIG details like how Natsu was in his cage or else that would be M or R. IT WAS FANTASTIC!
Jodac chapter 5 . 4/13/2015
I just happened to catch a glimpse of this fic on your profile a while back while I was reading "Losing Hope" but didn't give it a try until recently. I'm glad I did though, because it was really good! The plot, dialogue/narration, settings, and character interactions were all very believable and detailed to me.

I like how you threw us for a loop in thinking that Gray was treating Natsu like shit just because of a break-up with a girlfriend when in fact it was something much deeper than that. It was quite interesting seeing the psychology and mental/physical effects of an eating disorder examined in a fanfic, as that's something I don't believe I've seen tried before. I've never had one either but it did seem very realistic to me, nonetheless. I also liked how you switched POV's in several ways, from third person to first, character to character and even a journal format, as well as how you went back in time about halfway through the story to give us Gray's POV and allow us a chance to actually sympathize with him a little.

My biggest criticism is that, similar to "Losing Hope," the ending to this seemed kind of rushed. It just felt like everything happened too quickly, from the time Natsu woke up to the very end when he and Gray realized just how they felt about each other.

But besides that, this was really good! I'm glad I decided to give it a try! Keep up the great work! :)
Soccertail4 chapter 5 . 10/15/2014
This was really good. Thank you for writing!
hatsunekiku chapter 5 . 8/12/2014
I am so relieved
You see, the first time i read a fic of this type it ended in tragedy, (poor Alfred ended up running into traffic) And i was worried the whole time i read this. I didnt want my sweet baby Natsu to die!
And i thank you for a wonderful read and a HUGE SENSE OF RELIEF
P. S.
A sequel to this would be lovely, if there isnt one already
Staticy Fox Atra chapter 5 . 6/11/2014
Aww, fabulous story. Loved it.
Yvonne Park chapter 5 . 5/26/2014
This was a really good story! You did a good job with it. I have experience with eating disorders, and I think that you captured that really well. Great job! :)

Serene Fairy chapter 1 . 5/24/2014
This is a very nice, original story. I loved each chapter, and I hope you do a continuation of this, in which it's about the growing love between Natsu and Gray
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