Reviews for Of Gods and Men (SYOC CLOSED!)
Hagan Son of Nike chapter 4 . 3/8/2014
AWESOME! I command an Update right away! And because of this awesomeness something will happen that I will tell you in a PM!
Princess Of Flames chapter 4 . 3/6/2014
Great prologue
Clockwork Princesss chapter 4 . 3/5/2014
I really liked this intro. You got Avalon down pat, and Hagan was funny. I personally also really like Drake, he has fire but is also pretty hillarious. I can't wait till the next chapter!
Doclover chapter 4 . 3/5/2014
I loved it please update soon
Drake Son of Hephaestus chapter 3 . 3/2/2014
Nora I didn't except you cuz I'm very bias and you make me mad
Nora chapter 3 . 2/28/2014
I would read it, but I only read stories that are super interesting, or that have my OCs in them :[
Shadowkillerz167 chapter 1 . 2/28/2014
Ok even if its close just want to do one

Name: Joshua Hunter

Nicknames: Jo or Josh

Age: 13

Date Of Birth: October 16

Godly Parent: Athena

Mortal Parent: West Hunter

Legacy Or Blessings: Blessed by Hephaestus(can make fire)

Family: Half- Siblings in Athena Cabin obviously

Anything Else: None

Traits(five words): Loyal, Kind, Dark, Carless and Prankster

Fatal Flaw: Recklesness

Likes: Japanese Food, Games, Pranks, Jokes, and books

Dislikes: Dark Places, Electricity, Closed Place and egoistic heroes

Personalities: He have split personalities due to some of his past making him needing another person for his family and the other for others to see

Fear: Dark Places, Memories from the past, Electricity

Anything Else: None

How He got to Camp: Her mother guided him to camp while a Hydra followed him though he did not kill it just outran it

How Parents Died: Tortured in front of him with electricity by a Zeus Kid

Protector: N/A

History: A happy child but bullied but held his ground on the weekend he came home he saw his father chained and was being tortured by electricity which killed his father then he also tasted some of it but escaped by an indirect involvement of Athena

Anything Else: No Sir

Hair Color: Silver with streaks of blond and some of his hair is spiked up but not overly so

Eyes: Gray on his right and Brown with tints of blue in his left eye

Dress Style: Casual hates stuffy clothes but like light clothes

Build: Lean Muscles and fit body has only just right muscles

Height: 5'8 when he entered camp full grown is 5'10

Weight: Balnced weight

Camp Clothes: A Camp shirt and a Baggy jeans with rubber shoes

Mortal Clothes: Same clothes above but changed the shirt into a civilian clothe

Formal Clothes: Long Sleeves with checkered black and red and has black pants partnered with leather shoes

Night Clothes: White Shirt and a short

Anything Else: Always has his dual blades in his outfit hidden or not

Can they die: Its up to you

How would you like them to die: Taking many blades in his body and still fights till his body collapses

Can they be hurt emotionally: Yes when someone brings back his memories

Can he be hurt Physically: Yes but hard to hit with his agility and dual blades

Can they be kidnapped: No always has his senses open

Good or Evil: Good

If evil why: he's good but he will join the bad people to spy on them

Anything else: None
Storm-Eyes-Osprey chapter 3 . 2/28/2014
Aww... I didn't get in...
Princess Of Flames chapter 3 . 2/28/2014
I never said the pit had to be Tartarus :p
Can't wait for it to start
fallacys chapter 3 . 2/28/2014
Do you like my character? Pm me if you need a beta- or anything like that.
Clockwork Princesss chapter 3 . 2/28/2014
Thanks for accepting Avalon, this story seems like it will have an interesting plot. Also, the pit has nothing to do with Tartarus?! Now I'm all curious, update soon :)
fallacys chapter 1 . 2/28/2014
Name: Terra Lumoise

Nicknames: Terra

Age: 17

Date of birth: 7-24

Godly parent: Tartarus

Mortal parent: Bethany Lumoise

Any legacy crap or blessings I should know about?: Blessed by the 'dark' Primordials, Nyx, Erebus, and her father.

Family: She killed her mom...

Anything else?: I'll come back


Traits: Insane, Dark, Dangerous, Memorable, and Lonsome

Fatal flaw: Not loyal to anything. No loyalty.

Likes: Chocolate, the dark, Working alone, assassinating.

Dislikes: Soy Sauce, People, Being Captured, Camp Half-Blood

Personality: She is a very dark person, with a shadowy path. Very sly, and she is rarely caught at anything, she was born to be an assassin.

Fears: Death.

Anything else: Not that I can think of.


How they got to camp: Was brought after killing her mother, put on trial and banished.

How parents died: Terra wanted revenge on her mother for beating her... So she killed her.

Protector: N/A

History: She was beaten as a child, and grew up crooked, after her father visited her un her dreams, she found out she was a Demi-Primordial. With her new-found powers, she killed her own mother, and enjoyed the expire once. A rouge satyr saw the scene through the window and she put on trial and found guilty as soon as she got there.

Anything else?: Nope


Hair color/style: Black hair, always in a pony-tail

Eyes: Blood-red eyes the reflect her moods

Dress style: Tomboy, usually doesn't care what she's wearing.

Build: Light, slim.

Height: about 6'4. Tall.

Weight: how should I know?

Camp clothes: She doesn't go.

Mortal clothes: T-shirt and jeans/shorts

Formal clothes: Long Red and Black dress

Night clothes: Dark blue 2 piece with little potatoes on them.

Anything else?: no...


Can they die: Sure

No matter what you said, how would you like them to die: Like a Villan

Can they be hurt emotionally: Not reall

Can they be hurt physically: of course

Can they be kidnapped: ...

Good or evil: Evil

If evil, why: Just following her father's wishes.

Anything else you want to put?: I don't believe so.
Doclover chapter 3 . 2/28/2014
Yay! Thanks for choosing mine charcter
Drake Son of Hephaestus chapter 2 . 2/28/2014
Oh your so wrong if you're guessing :D
Princess Of Flames chapter 2 . 2/28/2014
Thanks for accepting :D I understand the prophecy a bit though I'm not gonna elaborate as my analysis may be incorrect
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