Reviews for Sempiternal
HRHPrincessTricia chapter 6 . 11/30/2015
I wonder if you're ever going to write more of this. It's not bad.
FreyaCabanas chapter 2 . 10/10/2015
Omg i laughed so hard at the end i choked! :'D I love Ruby's personality and i love how she acepted herself for you she is! I never liked that the Cullens represed what they were. She's a great character and i couldn't wait to review this! LOL
lenniem chapter 6 . 12/22/2014
Ruby is great even if she doesn't eat cake because she is dead! I hope you keep writing your story. Thanks for sharing with us.
lenniem chapter 5 . 12/22/2014
I like Ruby... I'd probably be bitchy if I had been a slave for a couple of years and then made a vampire to fight in the Southern wars too. Like your story so far, I found it thanks to ValeP
audrey chapter 6 . 9/2/2014
c'est trop bien continue à poster
thebeezekneeze chapter 6 . 7/28/2014
You write so well!
The story is amazing. That characters are life. And the progress is perfect. I love everything about this. Can wait for more!
WriteAndDream23 chapter 6 . 7/8/2014
I hope all is well - you haven't updated in quite a bit, so I hope everything is alright! I really love this story and hope you plan to continue it soon. Best Wishes
Annie D134 chapter 6 . 7/2/2014
when are you going to upload again?
hollywoodheightleddie chapter 6 . 4/25/2014
love the story cant wait for more
Scott McCall's Bae chapter 3 . 4/18/2014
in luved it
R.I.PxGlee2015 chapter 6 . 4/13/2014
This is so funny and sweet ... I love it
It's Too Late To Cry chapter 6 . 4/12/2014
I love Ruby and Seth is so sweet. please continue writing
lexxah chapter 6 . 3/17/2014
i think sue was written really well it just seemed really in character. cant wait for the update
Laura chapter 6 . 3/16/2014
I'm really liking this story and looking forward to see how Seth and ruby go forward. Please update soon
Lizzy B chapter 6 . 3/16/2014
Eeep! They're so adorable together! I really like that she eats people; it's different than the other OC vamp stories, and I like her and Seth together. Great story! Update soon please!
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