Reviews for Howl of the Freaks
Amethyst chapter 1 . 5/29/2017
11 stars out of 10. The story flows beautifully and the characters are so fleshed out, it's amazing. The plot makes sense and I can't really find any faults.
No. I am not an English teacher. I'm a teenager too shy to publish what I have written.
Guest chapter 3 . 5/19/2017
Thank you for the story.
Guest chapter 3 . 6/17/2015
Tottaly adorable and I actually liked that it wasn't heavy romance and suduction. It was cute and innocent.
SnowshoeBombay chapter 3 . 4/6/2014
That's a nice little story..
The only thing bothering me is that there is no reaction or any mention of Valon, who in here would be his brother, after Yugi finds friends.

It's not essential since the focus is on Mobium shipping but personally I find that the sudden dropping of him or even Akefia as father harms the overall appeal of the story just a little bit.
AffectionateSin chapter 3 . 3/22/2014
Very sweet, and lovely. xx
Mana's Madness chapter 3 . 3/18/2014
Aww... I have to say, I think the ending needs more. Perhaps an epilogue just to show how they were doing later... It seemed rather sudden.

Also, this is your last YGO story?! We're all going to miss you greatly...
samaurai chapter 3 . 3/17/2014
Kinda felt rushed but at the same time I can see it being dragged if the story was longer.
snow-kim chapter 3 . 3/17/2014
This is good!

But... I can't believe that you had leave ff net for good... No way... What about undone other stories? I want to read again when you update them more until they are all done!
Arivania Moons chapter 2 . 3/11/2014
WwLOLwW chapter 2 . 3/3/2014
Yay I can't wait for Atem to be introduced! !plz update soon! !
Guest chapter 2 . 3/3/2014
Can't wait till next update! :)
TheCrystalEevee chapter 2 . 3/3/2014
awwww! this was adorable! I like how you wrote Yami's character. Normally when others write Him they make him dark and more like in season zero or the loner or bad boy type. It's refreshing to have another take on him. Keep up the great work!
Deadly8123 chapter 2 . 3/3/2014
Huh,I wounder what Atem would be like...Yui the badass, Yami the nice, and Atem-
Everyone: Atem isn't green, he's tan. And he isn't an science guy, he's engyption. Or how ever you spell! -sighs/raises brow and ignore her rant's-
Me: And Akefia could be a good father if he wanted too, and in the story he is. So I like that. PLease update soon!
Mana's Madness chapter 2 . 3/3/2014
Valon made me giggle in this chapter, I can suddenly totally see him as Yuugi's brother. And I'm glad you made Yami awesome in this... I'm fed up of stories where he's a jerk, because he's a nice guy if people don't piss him off. XD
samaurai chapter 2 . 3/3/2014
Yay he got to meet Yami.
I was worried there for a sec thinking a bunch of drunks along with the dad coming home
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