Reviews for Gordian
WholockianAuthor chapter 2 . 3/2/2014
Amazing, as always! :D
ResidentBunburyist chapter 2 . 2/27/2014
Wait, so Jim already had him killed five years ago? And then forgot that he had him killed? 'Fraid I'm not quite following... (you'll explain it and I'll be like 'ooooohhhh. doy' haha. Sorry. Mind's working a bit on the slow side today.)
CSRoche chapter 2 . 2/26/2014
Oh, Conor!

Excellent stuff yet again. Thank you :)
CSRoche chapter 1 . 2/23/2014
This is lovely and so very, very sad (don't know if you meant it to be, but I thought it was!). Perfect characterisation as always, just perfect all round. I liked Conor, it'll be nice to see what's happened to him. Unless Moran shoots him, of course... Anyway, kudos :)