Reviews for Fire to Fire
ElementofHeart chapter 6 . 1/26
It took me a good minute to understand what Ganon was referring to at the end, but now I'm cackling because YES THEY'RE TOGETHER AGAINNNNNN

Ughhh how do you manage to get me in such uncontrollable feels with these two? Like this was literally the next fic I read after reading FDGitD and I'm not sure if my heart naturally began to heal itself on it's own or it was beaten a little more after being basically SHATTERED into pieces before some good samaritan decided to pick up the fragments and hastily duck tape it together.

Either way, though I loved reading this! I am for sure a Zelgan shipper after reading these fics of yours and hope that you still hold the same passion for them as I currently due because WOW they are such a dynamic couple? I honestly wanna throw hands with Hylia and Demise rn because how DARE they try and ruin the lives of Zelda and Ganon like that (ง'̀-'́)ง

Thank you once again for posting such an incredible fic! :) I really hope you come to writing about them someday bc I will 1000000% be running my ass to the nearest computer to read it! lol
Just a guest chapter 6 . 10/3/2019
This was truly beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
SevenMegan chapter 4 . 8/2/2019
This is probably the most compelling romance I've ever read about a pairing I couldn't despise more. You're really good.
Guest chapter 6 . 11/23/2015
My heart! My feels! Ahhhh you broke my heart into a million pieces and then sewed them back together with hope! my heart aches, physically aches for ganondorf after reading this! You perfectly captured what a curse immortality must be, with the bittersweet and utterly hopelessness of seeing your love in each new era! I need to read some fluff now to help soothe my zelgan soul
Tetrabelle chapter 6 . 9/14/2015
This shit I like.
My imagination is swimming with thoughts of all different Zeldas!
You made me laugh and cry.
icearrows1200 chapter 6 . 8/9/2015
*clutches heart*
*throws it on the ground*
*cries into the sunset*

You know, there's a parallel between the book and Ganondorf. Whether it was intentional or not, you'll have to tell me, but I've noticed that both retain memories of the past and survive the years. Beautiful concept. I hurt.

I'd love a follow up on this, though I know it's not that kind of story.

It was an absolute pleasure to read, something classic, golden, I-shouldn't-touch-it-or-it'll-shatter kind of thing. It was so wonderful and I'll probably read it again sometime.

But the best part was that you captured Ganondorf's character perfectly, that he wants to love Zelda and for her to love him back, but literally the Triforce has been holding them back, and that's the worst, most painful part. But his good deed- destroying the Triforce and Demise, has come through, and now this open-ending leaves me with hope that he'll be able to get it right this time.

My favorite thing about the ending was the implication that love itself is just as powerful, if not more, than the Triforce.

icearrows1200 chapter 5 . 8/9/2015
I kind of just stared at the review box for a minute or two, because I honestly wasn't sure about what to write, considering how... dead inside I feel now.

When he assembled, the Triforce, I assumed he'd wish for Zelda to be his- but what he did was really, very selfless. Even though Demise pointed out that Zelda would never be reborn, it didn't matter to him, because they had all suffered enormously, all three bearers of the Triforce. But what a plot twist, really; it was something that threw me for a spin and punched me in the chest.

Brownie points to you for making a Victorian-esq era, and my absolute favorite thing was Link's green top hat. I will love that for the rest of my life.

But I know that he's alive in 2014, so that means the cycle either continued, anyway, or he remains immortal, which would really suck for him. I guess I'll just have to find out.

Brilliant quote, by the way.
icearrows1200 chapter 4 . 8/9/2015
I was never a ZelGan shipper until now, and I don't regret it.

"You're all the same woman to me" is not exactly a good thing to say to a woman, Ganondorf. I don't blame her for kicking him out. But the poor guy is suffering in this downfall timeline and you certainly can't help but grow attached to him. You give depth to a character that's never really been elaborated on in the series, other than his origins and intents for power. It's both enlightening and a pleasure to read.

On the line of more Downton Abbey characters, I would say that this Zelda is Rose. Yep. As soon as she became flirty, I heard Rose's voice.

That you've created a fic that spans nearly all the games and have even added your own generations is super creative, and I do believe that this should have more reviews.

Once more, fantastic job creating a beautiful, historical image riddled with angst and pretty dialogue.
icearrows1200 chapter 3 . 8/9/2015
I grinned like an idiot when you wrote the word "secret", because it's a Secret to Everybody." (Or just to Link, until the end.)

This chapter, by far, was really wonderful, but dark, too, which is always a plus from time to time. It just really settled in well, fit the motif you're going for, that Ganondorf is eternally suffering from Zelda-itis and it reminds me of the move Groundhogs Day, where he has to do everything over and over again. Unfortunately, as Demise says, Ganondorf keeps screwing with Fate and so it really doesn't matter what he does, essentially- he is forever doomed to this destiny. And for that, you've created a brilliant idea for a story.

Against my will, I read every line that ginger Zelda spoke in Aunt Rosamond's voice from Downton Abbey. I can't help it.

Also, the addition of Wind Waker is a plus, because you can never have too much Wind Waker.

As always, you paint a unique picture with your words, providing instantly insight and description into the scene. Beautiful work, once more.
icearrows1200 chapter 2 . 8/9/2015
I'm not going to lie- I teared up when he gave her the book. Maybe it's because I was already emotional from my sister thinking she found a (thankfully false) spoiler about Attack on Titan, but it was likely because of how (I sat here for a long time, thinking of adequate adjectives as it thunderstorms outside and I refuse to shut the window; so I will settle for something in German, to spice things up: ) erstaunlich berührende.

And when you wrote the famous scene from Ocarina, I was nearly grinning with how deep it felt, as if I were in the scene myself, as if I WAS Ganondorf. The fact that he's battling with the inner voice of Demise (GREAT touch, by the way) is even more emotional, because like he said, he's also a human, and even if his destiny is to be the evil force in the equation, it does not mean he can't love nor crave friendship.
icearrows1200 chapter 1 . 8/9/2015
I feel like the more I read your work, a little part of me called "Feelings I have for ctj's stories" jumps off of me, grabs a plank of wood, and beats me over the head with it.

But that's a good thing, truly.

Yet again, I'm reading your work because it is always a real work of literature, and I firmly believe that reading it can help me become even as half as great as you are.

As for the story, I absolutely love how it draws me in with a narrative that, although it is in third person, doubles as a consciousness and is really, truly beautifully written, though that never surprises me. I loved how it began so... casually (?), giving off a real aura of the modern day, a bustling city, and I really liked the touch of the zora singing. I could only picture the guy from Majora's Mask.

Now, I must eat dinner, so I'll hop on over to chapter 2 in a bit. Wonderful work as usual.
sinsea chapter 1 . 4/16/2015
Oops, I didn't get to finish my review before it posted . Anyway! You've packed a lot of emotion and intensity into this, and my only qualm is that I wish there was more of it.
sinsea chapter 6 . 4/16/2015
Wow, this was incredible. Despite the relative shortness of each chapter, it never felt rushed. Yoi
Kurai Ummei chapter 6 . 3/8/2015
Sooooo intense. Woo. I need a drink after that emotional ride.
Yo chapter 2 . 2/17/2015
This chapter... ;_; 3
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