Reviews for The Day in Crystal
IHeartSam chapter 5 . 7/14
Best AU to the series I've read - thanks for sharing!
missmyshow chapter 5 . 5/18
This was so wonderful;if only it had happened on the show. Actually, this is so well written, I was picturing it as if the actors were performing the lines. I feel the same as you do about many aspects of the writers/producers choices, particularly the ending, and having this story really helps me deal with it. I have read several Merlin fan fictions and I've been somewhat disappointed, but you are an incredibly talented writer, who clearly hears the character's voices in your head, and you're able to beautifully transpose that onto the written page for us to enjoy. I can't wait to read the rest of your stories!
Straight Gate chapter 5 . 1/4
Great story. The only complaint I have is that you should have found a way to save Morgana.
laorart chapter 5 . 9/3/2019
This is a true cure for the end of the serie .
laorart chapter 2 . 9/3/2019
Ok,"destroying moment that's tearing me apart"...check!
now what's next...
trekmel chapter 5 . 10/26/2018
I like it! A great reveal and continuation of the story that was cut ridiculously short by executives who didn't understand the loyalty and intelligence of the fans.
Crystalzap chapter 5 . 10/17/2018
nicely done. There was one small plot hole, when Merlin told Arthur to look out for Mordred he didn't ALSO tell him the first message, that Morgana's men were going to flank him. So... 'battle over before it began'?

Anyway this was much better than cannon's ending. Arthur dying before Camelot could begin it's 'golden age' was just not a satisfactory ending.
Andy Black Riddle chapter 5 . 2/9/2018
I loved the twist you made with this fic. And all the emotions and how you portrayed the characters, of course! And the relationship between Arthur and Merlin, both during the story and how it will change-and/or-not at the end, after your twist.
I don't think Merlin is to blame either, but I agree he blames himself... Poor Merlin, he is always taking responsibility. Such a burden...
I liked the feelings you described in him, and how he thought about every detail before the confession because he didn't want to harm Arthur.
You wrote Arthur very well too. When he is "questioning" Merlin, and at first is very serious because he has doubts and things to ask, and at the end, when he sees that despite everything Merlin is not "some manipulative sorcerer with his own goals to achieve" he is almost laughing at him! Good detail that he burned one list... Which one, though? I wonder... the lies?
I liked that you included that scene with Morgana ("Help me, Emrys!", "Is this really what you wanted, Morgana?") because... what happened with that in the show? We saw it in a vision and then it never happened... So it was good to see it here.
The part with "old Merlin" and the knights when he is taking Arthur to the tent was great!
And I loved: "(...) I'm glad you're here.", "Better late than never.", "That's the story of your life." And: "You idiot, magic is still illegal.", "Well... pardon me." - that was hilarious.
And... so many more things. But summarizing, excellent story!
(By the way, sorry for any mistake, but English is not my first language)
Charis77 chapter 5 . 11/26/2017
My goodness! I smiled and I cried. And once again I wish you had written these episodes. Beautiful. Intense. And spot on what should have happened.

And I so want to know if Arthur destroyed the list of magic or lies. I think it has to be the lies.
Guest chapter 5 . 9/6/2017
Superb. You wove the drama, angst and humour well.
gaylelbf chapter 5 . 8/13/2017
Wonderful ending!
Lurker chapter 5 . 5/17/2017
I liketh this ending much better than the original.
Cindy.HouckGmail.Com chapter 5 . 1/16/2017
Lovely! I assume it was the lies he decided not to read...
BooksAreMedicine chapter 5 . 12/12/2016
Impressed how astute the guards were at the beginning, but I bet they all like Merlin.

The vindication and royal pardon were wonderful

The "Pardon me" quip was excellent LOL

The shield was the perfect way to end it 3
BooksAreMedicine chapter 4 . 12/12/2016
This was a great idea, love how it's so public.

All the knights' reaction were so in character, with Leon's forgiveness and Gwaine's sympathy and offer of help and Percival's agreement.

Good thinking about the enchantment bit too.

I like how Merlin is getting some credit at last too.
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