Reviews for Fire and Light
TGIFreyjasDay chapter 10 . 7/18
This story is PHENOMENAL. Seriously, I can’t get over how good it is! The lore is insanely rich, and the way you describe everything just draws the reader in. Like, what’s going on with the “old goddesses?” And Asura? And Ragnarok? Are the witches good? Is Lord Death evil? Why are meisters and weapons fighting? Which side are we supposed to be rooting for here, if either of them?! I really hope you can finish this someday! Also, a question, if you’re up for it: will Kid become good? I adore your interpretation of him, and I’d love to see him, Liz, and Patty working with Soul’s crew. Either way, thank you for sharing this with us!
SleepinBeautyK chapter 10 . 3/31
I honesty hope that you continue this because as the previous reviewer mentioned there are so many questions.
Guest chapter 10 . 9/12/2018
This is fantastic! Well written, very creative, and suspenseful. What is Asura like here? When and how will they meet Tsubaki and the Thompsons? Is Kid going to be a villain, or will he eventually join their side? So many questions!
Guest chapter 10 . 9/12/2018
Guest chapter 10 . 8/19/2018
Seriously awesome! Looking forward to more!
trash-cats chapter 10 . 7/12/2018
nooo it cant end there! :0 this was such a good chapter, the lore and backstory of the godesses has me SUPER intrigued and I love love love the description of the temple architectureI finished this way too quickly, I cant wait for the next one!
sahdah chapter 10 . 7/12/2018
Part of me is hoping Ox has already linked up with Harvar! I'm super curious about the backstory with the twin goddesses. And if Shinigami forced Asura into his sack skin too. May the solstice carry you on, this was a great update!
trash-cats chapter 9 . 6/24/2018
oh my gosh. this story, both the concept and the execution, is so incredible I can't believe I hadnt discovered it a LOT sooner. thank goodness for the Summer Soulstice! ive read the entire story in the matter of 2 days and it has kept my interest the entire time (which is a noteworthy feat)! I cant wait for the next update! thank you for gracing the fandom with such quality content!
Someonecallhere chapter 9 . 6/23/2018
This is an absolutely fascinating idea. I hope to see an update soon!
chaoticlivi chapter 9 . 6/22/2018
I was NOT PREPARED for the feelings that ran through me reading the first update in years. You’re a phenomenal writer, and it shows. I’d cautiously suggest that your writing seems to have become clearer, or less ambiguous? You’ve maintained your ability to show instead of telling, but events and the motivations behind them feel suddenly easier to grasp - a notion that wasn’t even on my radar. I’m cautious about bringing it up because my own ways of reading could have changed, too - maybe I’ve finally become less obtuse (one can dream). Either way, this was a phenomenal update. Soul’s brief history he gave was bone-chilling. At the same time, I enjoy the varying flavors of snark (Caustic, Pure, Salty, Spicy, Loud) and assorted, slightly lighter emotions offered by the interactions of the other characters, as well as the winking humor of the Wet Dog Tour (in between Soul’s panicky episodes). It’s nice to see Maka coming around ever so slightly, too. I can relate very well to the burn of being proven wrong and having to acknowledge it. And it’s a bit of a guilty pleasure, since they’re terrified and having not a good time at all, but well, there was non-combat touching.
sahdah chapter 9 . 6/22/2018
That was so satisfyingly worth the wait. Having read your resbangs, I appreciate how you weave this story even more. The language and mannerisms go with the epic feel of this story (epic for sure if you're planning 200K). The characterizations are so meticulous and well done. Best wishes on your continued writing!
ahshesgone chapter 1 . 6/20/2018
I'm so happy to be rereading this now that I'm a bit older! I still get watery eyes without fully knowning exactly why or keeping track of what set me off each time, but now I think I can better follow Soul's claustrophobic way of thinking. All the details that meant so much 4 years ago now mean even more somehow? I trust F&L to take me along wherever it goes and I can't wait to get to the next chapters.
9YearsOfMaka chapter 8 . 2/11/2018
Sad that this isn't finished. Perfect plot, perfect vocabulary, steady character development and gives a vivid in to the moment vibe. I would like to see this end but sadly it is unlikely. Though as of late, I would like to tell this is awesome you are awesome and I am thankful that I was able to read this great fic.
not paranoid enough chapter 8 . 10/25/2016
This is really good. The original nature of the universe, the characters in their new setting, the writing - it's all wonderful. I know it's been ages, but i hope you come back to this. I'd love to see how it all plays out!
SL chapter 8 . 11/2/2015
I am really enjoying this story. Your world is really interesting and well thought out. Keep up the great work! I hope you continue. _
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