Reviews for Accidents
RaphieApple chapter 8 . 10/28/2014
Holy crap I love this story. This is my favorite chapter yet.
Now it's time to re-read all the other chapters.
CosmicKitten89 chapter 8 . 10/26/2014
Yeah I'm not the biggest fan of Junior, but I read anyway.
Made him into a clone of Bowser? I thought he WAS a clone of Bowser? Or he is according to my headcanon anyway... not to mention other... things... just castle rumors, probably... anyway, I'm surprised he isn't all kinds of injured and maimed, since he has seven older siblings that hate him, including one who was just arbitrarily pushed out of line for the throne for him (technically, Bowser Jr. is the seventh son; if Bowser was a seventh son, then Junior is the seventh son of a seventh son which might hold mystical properties to Bowser that merit priority for the throne in his eyes or something, I dunno...)
It would kind of make more sense though if Bowser decided for Junior to be next in line for the throne after seeing that Junior looked like an almost exact clone of him, since that seems to have been what endeared him so much over the others to Bowser. That was still funny, though, that Wendy accidentally made him a Bowser lookalike - thanks a lot, Wendy! In my headcanon she is put mostly in charge of slaving away after Junior since she's the girl.
I look forward to seeing you write more :) I'll be writing more too, but I'm kind of busy with studying for math competitions for the moment.
CosmicKitten89 chapter 7 . 10/26/2014
Wow, you took longer to write these than I did to write my Happy Time! (but I didn't add Junior to that one because... I don't like Junior, and "happy time" with Junior... um, no.)
Lemmy seems more the candy addict to me - that would explain Lemmy's apparent lack of visible fangs - and Ludwig too, if it's gourmet chocolate anyway; Ludwig also seems to have congenital dental problems - c'mon. Those fused maxillary incisors. A family trait on his mom's side, who are a load of inbred bluebloods in my headcanon. Plus his poor hygiene as a little kid means he wouldn't brush after eating all that candy... But Larry's more the daredevil. That sounds like some horribly intense, super acidic sugar if it can cause instant cavities like that. But that explains why he lost one of his two pairs of fangs. I always figured he grew the adult ones behind the baby ones, like you see happening to some people in real life - you know, they got canine teeth like a shark's, they usually need braces, and the baby ones have to be extracted because they weren't pushed out by the adult ones so they won't fall out. I'd have expected the baby ones to have rotted before the adult ones though, deciduous teeth usually tend to rot more easily. But I guess this is more G-rated than my proposed explanation; that Larry had lost his baby fangs from smoking too much meth - which I wouldn't put past him to do as a dare at a young age.
CosmicKitten89 chapter 6 . 10/26/2014
It only makes sense for the chapter to be kind of long; Morton is a motor mouth, after all.
So far he's the first one who hasn't been permanently scarred in some manner by his accident. He got into a scuffle with Roy, but he survived and didn't sustain any scars or emotional trauma; as a matter of fact, he's all the stronger from this experience, since he isn't afraid of water now!
I think it would have been interesting if his accident was something that made his skin dark or his face white with a star tattoo/birthmark on it.
CosmicKitten89 chapter 5 . 10/26/2014
That isn't my headcanon of why Wendy is bald either, but it's still a cute story. I always figured Wendy was bald because of genetics; after all, Roy is bald (I'm assuming naturally, instead of being one of those dudes who waxes his head), and Morton is kinda bald (okay, he has a couple of hairs, sprouting out of a mole maybe). Bowser has hair, so assuming their mother(s) also do(es), the bald gene must be recessive.
Just two questions: why has Wendy never considered getting a wig or hair implants? I guess she has just gotten fiercely proud of her baldness; in my headcanon she even treats her bow like hair and uses hair products on it. Secondly, who in the castle would be interested in using hair removal cream? I think an allergy to some kind of regular body lotion, or an experimental hair tonic of Ludwig's/Iggy's would have made more sense.
CosmicKitten89 chapter 4 . 10/26/2014
I like how you write Iggy to speak in a very intelligent and precise, almost OCD way; try to emphasize that style more in the future. I write him to sound more goofy and childish, though still with a very intelligent vocabulary and turn-of-phrase.
I was expecting the accident to have been something that affected his vision as well as his mind. It's strange; he and Lemmy both had accidents while in the egg, but Lemmy sustained a physical brain injury that gave him a lazy eye and impaired cognition, while Iggy remained hyper-intelligent - his own poor vision may be just genetic, or the result of peering into books for too long - but with a snapped sense of sanity... that's something more likely to be caused by chemicals than by a physical injury. Maybe a change in temperature, or absorbing the chemicals of the kitchen through the shell, or exposure to the bright lights and strange sounds of the kitchen drove the embryo insane? I hear too much ultrasound can cause ADHD/brain disruptions in a very small embryo/fetus...
No wonder Iggy and Lemmy are so close, since they both suffered an accident in the egg. The 'age shift' merits more explanation; everybody THOUGHT they were the same age when they were not? Maybe because the elder was so short for his age, the younger so tall. I would have liked you to go in greater detail about his particular brand of insanity though.
CosmicKitten89 chapter 3 . 10/26/2014
Feels weird to write the way he talks, huh? Last... well actually first time I wrote Roy's point of view a few months ago, I went a lot heavier on the slang spellings and stuff.
The past tense first person point of view is pretty interesting here, it shows his present perspective on things that happened in the past, his hindsight, describes things in a way that he wouldn't have been able to articulate as a two year old. I haven't written these characters in past tense first person before; I've found that I really like writing them in first person present tense, so they can describe things as they feel right when it's happening to them, and also to make for dramatic irony; things the character doesn't yet know about that are painfully obvious to the reader. But the past tense point of view works better here. And Roy's poor memory and inability to remember it all seems realistic.
CosmicKitten89 chapter 2 . 10/26/2014
Shorter isn't surprising, since Lemmy is kind of simple, after all. I haven't written much about Lemmy's early life yet, since my headcanon of him is rather... strange... but I was beginning to think it was weird that he has such good physical coordination despite being apparently brain damaged, given his lazy eye and impaired intellect. It reminds me of a story I heard about a man who wasn't very eloquent, so he learned to talk with stones in his mouth and he became an exceptionally eloquent orator from that; perhaps the same happened to Lemmy by learning to balance on the ball.
CosmicKitten89 chapter 1 . 10/26/2014
I like this, it kind of reminds me of my own headcanon, how Ludwig was too absorbed in his interests when he was younger to take good care of his hygiene; I'm actually the same way myself. Too busy studying math to clean my room ; Anyway, an ear infection from poor hygiene is a perfect explanation for the lack of hearing he suffered in that one comic book. I never thought of an ear infection, nor did I think much about how he would lose his hearing, since I always liked portraying him as being a good musician. Although I kind of figured that his music would still sound good even if he composed it while deaf, since Beethoven could still compose good music after he became deaf, so I kind of figured that whatever ruined his hearing also messed with his coordination/sense of perfect pitch. I figured it would have been an accident caused by an invention of his that ruined his hearing, but an infection is perhaps a more satisfying explanation, since it also explains why he took up mad science and invention during the years that he couldn't hear his own music :)
Guest chapter 8 . 10/24/2014
Wonderful chapter and also a very logical explanation to Bowser junior. In his case the accident seemed to be not that bad. As an irony Wendy tried to off him and instead he became fathers loved one, she basically got the exact opposite what she had hoped for by that time.

Im looking forward for your other stories like the unknown effect continuation, the 9 koopalian artifacts and anything you come up with :-)

Thx for this story.
Pixlpower15859 chapter 8 . 10/24/2014
*calls the party planners* Done! :)
I really enjoyed this, especially since you have managed to find an accident for Junior. I feel like framing them as babies at their cutest moments!*crazy fan girl screams*
Guest chapter 7 . 10/18/2014
Poor Larry. He has my full sympathy. That is a nightmare. Wonderfully written and you give a very logical explanation on how Larry became Cheatsy. This is very sad. Huggies Larry.
James Birdsong chapter 7 . 10/17/2014
Good seven oneshots.
Pixlpower15859 chapter 6 . 9/28/2014
Oh dear, poor Morton!
Guest chapter 6 . 7/6/2014
Wow. Poor Morton. That must have been extremly terrible. What a nightmare :-(
And now Ludwig knows, since he looks over his shoulder while writing this story.

Although well meant for us readers it is still not nice to look over his shoulder. Ludwig. I still hate it when someone does with me. But then, we might have gotten 20 chapters full of tangents if you hadnt?

Me hands Morton my dessert.
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