Reviews for Bedside Manner by Daphodill and OhGee
sosueme chapter 20 . 8/25/2019
That was very cute and funny and smexy. Not always a fan of bella/carlisle but you just converted me! I feel all new a-buzz! THanks for sharing!
purplefreakanonymous chapter 1 . 3/31/2018
In all my years on FF I’ve never rea and i really like it so far. It feels natural
Aggie94 chapter 2 . 10/30/2017
When I worked at Medical Center Lewisville, we had an absolute knock out of an OBGYN. Women really reacted the way you wrote. He was sweet,married 3 kids.
Aggie94 chapter 1 . 10/30/2017
Poor poor Bella. Loved Chapter 1.
Manasseh chapter 20 . 6/30/2016
Thanks this story was really cute and very funny...
fanfictionalcolic chapter 20 . 2/29/2016
Really sweet
Chrisstars1 chapter 20 . 11/25/2015
That was hilarious!
Chrisstars1 chapter 19 . 11/25/2015
Awwwwww. I was waiting for Edward to flip out because esme was having an affair with him too.
Chrisstars1 chapter 16 . 11/25/2015
Just like me and my brother. Except the hugging!
Chrisstars1 chapter 15 . 11/25/2015
Loving the story, Carlisle needs to dump esme.
Inlovewithjazz chapter 20 . 8/16/2015
Brilliant, perfect, so much fun! Loved this story! Thanks so much for sharing it with us all!
mfaerie32 chapter 3 . 6/22/2015
Yeah...Esme's new beau is Carlisle.
winterhorses chapter 20 . 6/2/2015
Aw! I just LOVE these two! Thanks so much for writing this awesome story! And I just want to let you know that anytime you feel like doing another CxB, it will be greatly appreciated. *cough, cough*
Love, Rachel xxoo
winterhorses chapter 13 . 6/2/2015
Oh yeah, make Carlisle jealous!
winterhorses chapter 12 . 6/2/2015
Yay, buh-bye, Esme!
ps - Apparently I've reviewed some of these chapters before because it's not letting me post again. This great story deserves so many more reviews, and I wanted to do my part. I'll have to go through again later and post some as a guest. ;)
Rachel xxo
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