Reviews for Unchanging Love
Guest chapter 1 . 8/14
DUDE! come on! i need more...y did u stop?UGHHH!
Elli5 chapter 1 . 10/12/2016
So few words and yet so much in them...
IWasn'tTalkingToYou chapter 1 . 8/10/2016
oh my goodness so beautiful! I was just browsing through Fanfics; I usually only read Harry Potter ones, occasionally Percy Jackson, thinking that no-one else would write Twelfth Night fanfiction in the world but ppl do! you do! seriously this makes me so happy, I thought I was the only one who read Shakespeare as a teenager and read fanfiction on the occasion but no! there are others like me! this makes me so happy! xxxxxxx rly good Fanfic btw xx
Shiroyamimaru chapter 1 . 3/5/2016
That was adorable. I really like how you made the point that Olivia had always loved Viola.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/12/2016
Beautiful fic.
JunidiAppleseed chapter 1 . 10/16/2015
I sense so much potential, so much power, but I so much wish I heard the ending, an ending that would have wiped the shoes off my feet.
The-Fluff-Master1882 chapter 1 . 3/7/2015
For the record, I've always secretly shipped these's so good! Such a shame that it was so short. Please write another one-shot or story if you can, because I love this pairing.
aika-reimr chapter 1 . 11/3/2014
It was a nice, but very short, story. As the others have said, Olivia was in love with Cesario, not Sebastian who looked exactly like Cesario. The possibility of your story is big. This let me rethink the ending of twelfth night. Thanks for sharing this thought :)
LuminaDelacour chapter 1 . 7/24/2014
I have to agree with the rest of the reviewers . Olivia married Sebastian on a whim but she actually fell in love with 'Cesario'. Your story highlights the point that Shakespeare's plays don't take real-life situations into account always.
It might be short but it was good.
lylame chapter 1 . 7/15/2014
I liked it. I always felt Olivia got hipped. Sebastian married her on sight. She was gorgeous. But She fell in love with Violas character.
I wonder if shakespeare was aware of this.
The Cheery One chapter 1 . 5/19/2014
Aww, very nice story. Very...short...but nevertheless, I loved that part "Surprisingly, I am not Shakespeare."

I think your story really does target the common hole in Shakespeare's works, if I may say so, of hasty marriage based on clueless infatuation. This is really a valid point, as Olivia basically met and married Sebastian solely because he looks like Viola, and in real life this would never work out because it was not Sebastian but Cesario whose personality Olivia truly fell in love with. I think this is something that is likely to happen should there be a sequel. Viola and Orsino were happy and Olivia and Sebastian also seemed to be winners, but really I think their marriage would be riddled with dread. Poor Olivia, she loves but a lie...

Anyways, sorry if I sounded so depressing. We all do hope that Olivia and Sebastian (hold your thumbs) will find some common ground after their flash marriage and live happily ever after. I do love the fact that although your story was unbelievably short, you bothered to proofread and edit your prose. It is very good literature, neither unprofessionally simple nor annoyingly purple. As a billion people once said, quality over quantity.

Good job! Hope to read more of your great works in the future _

Ezekiellia T.R.