Reviews for Of Symbolism and Friendship
Fi Suki Saki chapter 1 . 1/3/2019
So much feelings... and memories of Mary...
but I liked it. they won't forget her.
Minirowan chapter 1 . 10/17/2014
I always wondered what Garry really thought of Mary. He seems stuck between seeing her as a lonely little girl and a homicidal psycho. I think Ib has a better understanding of her, but I suppose that's because they actually spent some time together. All Garry had were Mary's journals, and her snapping so completely just made her look like she was too far gone.
Disciple of Ember chapter 1 . 3/12/2014
That was incredibly well done. Normally I hate 'remembrance' style stories with a burning passion, but the way you wrote it goes above and beyond what I usually see.

Both Ib and Garry are in character to the point that this seems more like an official epilogue than a fanfiction. Ib still has the quiet, slightly mature, and curious attitude. Garry is spot on as well, still timid and hesitant to remember anything about the ordeal, but keeping his mind open for Ib's sake.

The bitter sweet image at the end was the perfect touch in my opinion. The way I see it, no matter who was chosen, remembering the one left behind should never be an overly happy/upbeat/optimistic moment.

Very nice job with the story. I can't see a single thing that feels out of place.