Reviews for Supernatural Genesis
Guest chapter 1 . 9/28/2019
I thought you were inactive af but you just out here writing about the lion
Update Troll chapter 1 . 7/5/2019
You really out here writing lion king fanfic when your best (but unfinished) fics are supernatural :/
Guest chapter 68 . 6/22/2019
C'mon continue this, I have never seen a fanfiction so good like that.
TooLazyToLogIn chapter 67 . 3/11/2018
Really good! Can't wait for the next update!
Sylwinka1991 chapter 68 . 3/13/2018
I feel that John is up with something thanks to his sick smiles. And oh no, Sam and Adam are alone in home with John. This is so bad. Title
of chapter suit to him perfectly.
ncsupnatfan chapter 68 . 3/13/2018
You know he couldn't change after what he's been doing to Sam and he's just biding his time to get to Adam and make Sam nervous and on edge. I wouldn't put it past John to disappear with Adam and use him as bait to catch monsters. Adam's going to learn the hard way just what type of father he has. NC
Trucklady53 chapter 68 . 3/13/2018
I don't trust John at all. A leopard doesn't change it's spots so to speak and I think he is just biding his time until opportunity shows itself. I am glad that Sam is on guard and hope at some point he brings Dean into the mix before it gets too late to save Adam from something he may never recover from.
BlackBeautyQueen33 chapter 10 . 3/12/2018
FUCKING HELL! WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK! ARGHH! I WANNA KILL HIM! i CAN'T BELIEVE THAT HE JUST DID THAT TO DEAN. Sorry for the caps I'm just mad. I know it was as bad because he swat him three times but the fact that he SPANKED HIM for something stupid!
BlackBeautyQueen33 chapter 9 . 3/12/2018
*screams and curses internally* God, John is such a bastard! Dean made a mistake. I get reprimanding your child, but he went overboard without even touching Dean.
BlackBeautyQueen33 chapter 8 . 3/12/2018
Welp, I just bawled. That's not how baby and 4 year old spend Christmas! Ugh! John I f-ing hate you!
BlackBeautyQueen33 chapter 7 . 3/12/2018
Aww Such a wonderful chapter! Man, I love Bobby. I love everything about him. And John is such an asshole!
BlackBeautyQueen33 chapter 5 . 3/12/2018
Awww! Poor Dean! I do like this because we get to imagine what it was like for him after his mother died. And especially at such a young age, you have all these questions bubbling inside and you can't get them out. It happens to adults as it happened to me when I lost my brothers. But anyway, I really like how you did this. And I like how these chapters are just long enough.
ncsupnatfan chapter 67 . 3/12/2018
Poor Adam thinking John is the nice guy. Hope he doesn't catch his wrath. Is something going to follow John home and do something to one of them? He's been good too long to not want to lash out at someone. Is John going to sneak Adam on a hunt and get him hurt or killed? NC
ncsupnatfan chapter 66 . 3/12/2018
Interesting that you brought Adam into the story and curious to see how long it takes for it all to fall apart. Is John going to do something to get Dean hurt or locked up so he will have the two boys to himself? NC
ncsupnatfan chapter 65 . 3/12/2018
Sorry haven't got to these sooner, been a little under the weather and can't wait to see how John's going to hide his abuse now? And what is Dean going to do when he finds out. NC
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