Reviews for The Bet
Ojsec chapter 3 . 6/22/2015
So hey I was wondering if you were going to finish this amazing story, considering it has been a year?

MariMagda chapter 3 . 4/28/2014
Attach hurts, but without attachment, such joys are missing... And if Castiel is so angry, yet there was in his heart more to Dean than he knows...

S'attacher fait souffrir, mais sans attachement, on manque de telles joies... Et si Castiel est tellement en colère, pourtant il y a dans son coeur plus pour Dean qu'il le sait...
MariMagda chapter 2 . 4/28/2014
Or how Dean discovers that abstinence (relative) may be something oh so interesting ! and some feelings, and just a little care, can bring much more than he would have thought... unfortunately, a bet is still a bet, and Dean risk losing much more than 200 dollars...

Ou comment Dean découvre que l'abstinence (toute relative) peut être quelque chose de oh si intéressant ! et que quelques sentiments, et juste un peu de soins, peuvent amener beaucoup plus loin qu'il aurait pensé... malheureusement, un pari reste un pari, et Dean risque perdre beaucoup plus que 200 dollars...
MariMagda chapter 1 . 4/28/2014
A bet ? this is a simple start... With a Castiel who wishes to preserve himself, it is less obvious... At the end of this chapter, Dean looks like an asshole - no pun intended - just to attack Castiel like that...

Un pari ? c'est un début simple... Avec un Castiel qui souhaite se préserver lui-même, c'est moins évident... à la fin de ce chapitre, Dean ressemble à un connard - sans jeux de mots - juste à attaquer Castiel comme ça...
ill-interrogate-the-cat chapter 3 . 4/27/2014
I love it so far! I hope you update again soon! :D
tLLS chapter 1 . 4/14/2014
Just to let you know I love your writing style and it makes your stories that much more enjoyable. Can't wait for the final chapter of this story, and the next for Walk the Line. I'm completely hooked!
taytay20903040 chapter 2 . 4/2/2014
Loving this story so far. Can't wait for the bit of it.
Guest chapter 2 . 3/30/2014
Loving this story. Thank you!