Reviews for Can I Have Your Sister's Number
Guest chapter 1 . 2/5/2019
i dont ship this, but this is really cute
ShiroKuro OokamiRyu chapter 1 . 6/12/2015
Haha! Jealousy prevails again! Bringing yet another couple together for not so pure relations~
KlawxXx chapter 1 . 8/25/2014
Man, I am officially in love with you! This was adoreable and way too short actually, but that's just me being whiny. You're amazing 3 thanks!
teddybearpanic chapter 1 . 8/14/2014
I just realized I never commented on this fic, so I'm remedying that right now.

This is by far my favorite Seijurou/Rin fic. I just love everything about it. Especially flirty/tease-y!Seijurou.
LindyLinn chapter 1 . 6/3/2014
I just read this on tumblr! God I wish there was smut, I was waiting for it and them BOOM- it's finished.

But I still loved.

I have officially joined the MikoRin ship!
RedPineapple27 chapter 1 . 3/22/2014
I've been really busy with year twelve and I haven't read any fanfics in ages, but when I got the notification for this I got really excited. When I read this, it reminded me how much I love fanfiction. Thank you so much for writing this! I loved it (and pretty much all your other fics, too) :).
ADJKLKDHGJKGHA chapter 1 . 3/20/2014
Pandaphil383 chapter 1 . 3/19/2014
I haven't read a SeiRin story for a while, glad to see it hasn't been forgotten! :D
There's just something I like seeing whenever Rin with one of his Samezuka-colleagues, a sense of camaraderie maybe? (mostly I'm in it for the potential ships ;3)

SeiGou is cute as can be but I like the idea of seeing Mikoshi-buchou being interested in someone else. He seems like the kind of guy to along with anybody, even Rin. (if he'd let him xP) It's tough considering their clashing personalities, but the beauty is that it could work!
For instance, I like instead of the usual excuse of being an over-protective bro was the reason for Rin's hostility, it was Mikoshiba being the object of his attraction. And the cap'n caught on! Sneaky... B3

Smut or no smut it was very hot, steamy, and sweet, kinda like hot chocolate! It was fun to read. Thanks for making this, take care! :3