Reviews for Many Meanings
Guest chapter 24 . 7/29
THIS WAS AMAZING! I loved the ending and the part about Ozzy made me sad but it was so good! You’re a wonderful writer! Keep writing!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/25/2019
I was gonna read it until I saw destiel. Sorry but I hate this pairing.
Guest chapter 24 . 1/15/2019
Your ending was heart wrenching and lovely, I think the word I'm looking for is bitter sweet. I loved and hated the feeling your ending gave me. Thank you for giving the boys the lives and ending they so deserve.
spnfandom8 chapter 24 . 10/17/2018
this was an amazing story! I love how even when dean is in another universe he is still dean. and Gabriel and castiels little cameos were adorable! I absolutely loved Ozzy and the relationship that dean had with the criminal minds team. I loved the jo and dean ship because I was so freaking upset when she died on the show! I shipped her and dean so much. but I also like the little destiel chapter because I also love me some destiel. you are an amazing writer and this was one of the most heart wrenching fics that I have read, it was executed beautifully and the way that all of the characters interacted was flawless. overall this was freaking amazing and I know ill be back to read this again. thank you so much for writing this, I am so happy I got to read it.
Ren chapter 23 . 2/27/2018
Oh all of this is sooo sweet.
I don’t ship anyone but brotherly bond between sam and dean (which I really wish you write more of) but this entire stories and every character are all awesome.
Thanks for writing this:D
Guest chapter 23 . 12/5/2017
Great story. I loved it.
R1dDL3M37h15 chapter 23 . 11/25/2016
Ok, so I don't know if you're still writing this or not, but I just found it and read it all in like, two days. I'm loving it; it's simple enough to be able to relax and enjoy a chapter at a time, and engaging enough to keep coming back for. I do have a request for it if you are still writing this. I would love to see Ozzy becoming Little Mary Jennifer's bestest friend and protector.
G.L.Williams.97 chapter 4 . 11/19/2016
Wow... I never knew I needed this, till now. Love it!
everythingwillbeperfect chapter 23 . 3/26/2016
It's so nice to see an update on this story ! I liked the last chapter cos it was v sweet. Though I would want Dean angst again - that's the best to read. So maybe Dean being tortured ? How abt inserting Alastair as an Unsub ? Dean in a place like hell - similar to Reid with Raphael. Or Dean being really hurt cos of some other reason ? Any outsider point of view on that ? Let's hope you can get time to write some. All the best for your novel in the meantime
Fellowship-of-the-Hobbit chapter 22 . 3/16/2016
Hey there! I just discovered this fic last night, and I'm already done and LOVING IT! I know you havent updated in a while, but could you please maybe put up another chapter? I really enjoy this story, so I would love to keep reading it. Thank you!
The best guesst chapter 22 . 1/15/2016
You should write one where Dean gets captured by an unsub or something during a case, or have Dean make enemies with someone and have that bite him in the butt.
LeeMarieJack chapter 2 . 12/17/2015
Another excellent chapter. Dean's new family is forming around him. this is exactly what he needs.
LeeMarieJack chapter 1 . 12/17/2015
That was nice. You certainly have approached the Winchester legend from another direction. I'm looking forward to more.
doryshotgun2 chapter 21 . 11/16/2015
Just had a thought and this is totally up to you. Jo dies in the series right? Perhaps you could do your version where she dies in your AU, and Dean worries that he's going to turn out like his Dad and "hunt" coz he's so broken over it.
mrg6 chapter 22 . 11/3/2015
I just finished reading every chapter (that's obvious but it's midnight so whatever) and I have to say this has to be one of my favorite supernatural crossovers ever, of all time. It's awesome how the set up is a bit unconventional by jumping about in time, it's beautiful! I must say you are an inspiration, since I dabble in writing, and I hope people enjoy my stuff as much as I love your writing. I loved the first meeting between Cas and Dean, it's my favorite chapter! But moving on, please keep writing you're amazing.
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