Reviews for Miscellaneous Gremma One-Shots
GrayBlueEyedBelle chapter 25 . 3/6/2017
That was good! It had the Gremma ending we were all waiting for! I will say, though, that this one-shot seemed a sporadic and didn't really lead up to the ending... You know...? Don't get me wrong, it was still fantastic; the writing was superb and everything else was astounding! But the story just kinda felt a little jumpy... I know you were under a time limit of 15 minutes, so maybe I could suggest lengthening that duration? I don't know about you but I can't get anything done in 15 minutes when I'm writing. Lol. I get sidetracked or my OCD takes over way too often to get any real work done in just 15 minutes. Lol. I'll get, maybe, a paragraph, or two, if I'm lucky in that time. But yeah, that's just my little nonconventional, unelicited bit of advice. Not like you really need my advice on anything. Haha. Anyway, great chapter! Please update again soon!
GrayBlueEyedBelle chapter 24 . 3/6/2017
Aww, that was cute and sweet and adorable! Those little cinnamon rolls being all cute and what-not! Awww!
GrayBlueEyedBelle chapter 23 . 3/6/2017
Wow. Just wow. That was superb! Just remarkably splendid! Outstanding! Sheer wonder! Such talent you have here, I must say! Unmistakable, raw talent, indeed. I truly wish you would finish this one, though. Anyway, just how protective she is over Graham and how desirable it is for her to save him fills my heart with so much glee and awe–it makes my heart swell with such love and adoration for Gremma! Absolutely stupendous! It really shows how true their love is; pretty much all of these one-shots do. Brava!
GrayBlueEyedBelle chapter 22 . 3/6/2017
The feels! My heart! The Gremma! My life! So perfect! Absolute perfection! Unequivocal magnificence!
GrayBlueEyedBelle chapter 21 . 3/6/2017
My heart! The feels for Gremma! How true their love is rings in continuity; so pure and everlasting—that's how you epitomized it. And bravo to you on such a job well done! Truly remarkable! Outstandingly brilliant! You got me right in the strings of my heart; clipping them, leaving only but a few to hold the mangled organ to continue to feel for Gremmaforevermore.
GrayBlueEyedBelle chapter 19 . 3/6/2017
That was sweet!
GrayBlueEyedBelle chapter 18 . 3/6/2017
Aaaaaadorable! My puny little heart can't possibly handle the sheer sweetness of Emma and Graham! I just can't! No, I can! And that is why I do! Because I love them so much! And this one-shot was just so in-tune with Gremma! And it's perfection—plain and simple!
GrayBlueEyedBelle chapter 17 . 3/6/2017
That's it?! That's all you're giving me?! –You're giving US?! How cruel to leave us so bitterly and with so little to supplement us! How very, very unjust art thou an author of thine people! ... Okay, lol, I'll stop. It was absolutely superb! Staggeringly delightful and downright glorious! I adored it thoroughly!
GrayBlueEyedBelle chapter 16 . 3/6/2017
Aww, this was so sweet. Just that he comforted her when she needed comforting, and how he was protective of her emotions and that wall that she began building doors through. Just magnificent.
GrayBlueEyedBelle chapter 15 . 2/27/2017
Ahhhhh! Soooo perfect!
GrayBlueEyedBelle chapter 14 . 2/27/2017
Oh my God, I wish you finished this! I really, really want to finish reading this! This is such absolute, flawless perfection! I adore this! I cannot EVEN begin to tell you how much this made my heart swell with infatuation!
GrayBlueEyedBelle chapter 13 . 2/27/2017
How magnificently splendid! Just stunning! No doubt in my mind how unfathomably remarkable that was!
GrayBlueEyedBelle chapter 12 . 2/27/2017
Awww! I adored this! Absolutely adored! Ahhhhh! Perfection!
GrayBlueEyedBelle chapter 11 . 2/27/2017
So immensely gorgeous! Absolutely stunning! I loved it!
GrayBlueEyedBelle chapter 10 . 2/25/2017
This was so good! And my heart is still hurting–thank you very much for that! But it was phenomenal, nonetheless.
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